

Last active 14 years ago

  1. 15 years ago
    Sat Sep 26 20:57:56 2009
    Thomas posted in Visual phonebook error.

    Read the FAQ in the [url=]Documentation Section[/url:16k620j1]

  2. Fri Sep 4 21:21:35 2009
    Thomas posted in visual phonebook problem.

    Have you tried [url=]This[/url:1aslmne6]?

  3. Thu Aug 6 14:28:14 2009
    Thomas posted in fop2_server --test error.

    Not sure that [url=]SUSE[/url:qiqci7zy] is supported, as its not based on any other Distro.

  4. Mon Jul 27 15:48:10 2009
    Thomas posted in Extraction problem.

    try deleting it and redownloading

  5. Mon Jul 27 11:32:49 2009
    Thomas posted in Most wanted features poll.

    For attendant transfers in 1.4 you have to patch asterisk ( ) and then I will have to patch fop2_server so you can force the atxfer command. Anyways, some people are reporting problems with asterisk 1.6 atxfer.

    Execellent work Nicolas ;)

  6. Sun Jul 26 11:18:29 2009
    Thomas posted in Action Button Bar.

    Read the [url=]FAQ[/url:6w5aygzb]

  7. Thu Jul 23 12:46:22 2009
    Thomas posted in login problems.

    Can you edit your fop2.cfg and comment out




    and then restart fop2 and then try and login

  8. Wed Jul 22 18:13:10 2009
    Thomas posted in login problems.

    In trixbox->PBX->PBX Settings->Extensions is there an extension 621?

  9. Wed Jul 22 16:29:21 2009
    Thomas posted in login problems.

    Try change it to an extension thats in asterisk like xxx:1234 where xxx is one of your extensions

  10. Wed Jul 22 13:36:10 2009
    Thomas posted in login problems.

    are you using exec to generate the users or are they manually entered in your config? If exec then what password are you using, extension secret or vmpassword? If not exec does the extension exist?

    From the F.A.Q

    When I try to login after entering my credentials it waits forever and times out

    If you use international characters in your configs, be sure to save the button config file as utf-8. That should take care of the problem.

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