

Last active 14 years ago

  1. 14 years ago
    Fri Jan 15 19:26:31 2010

    removed for now :)

  2. Sat Jan 9 19:08:13 2010
    Thomas posted in SCCP Extensions.

    This will work as long as your using the context from-internal

    mysql -ENB -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS -h $DBHOST $DBNAME -e "select concat('SCCP/',extension) as channel,extension,name as label,concat(,'@default') as mailbox,'from-internal' as context,concat('*',,'@default') as extenvoicemail from users as u left join devices as s1 on and'custom' left join devices as s2 on where s2.dial LIKE 'SCCP/%' order by extension" | sed '/\*\*/d' | sed 's/: /=/g' | while read LINEA
    echo $LINEA | sed 's/channel=\(.*\)/\n[\1]\ntype=extension/g'
  3. Sat Jan 9 15:33:28 2010
    Thomas posted in SCCP Extensions.

    You could build the buttons from the "Table devices in database asterisk" the tech feild will = custom and dial will = SCCP/EXTNUMBER

  4. Sat Jan 9 13:47:03 2010
    Thomas posted in SCCP Extensions.

    Did anything ever come of this Nicolás?

  5. Sun Jan 3 17:09:17 2010
    Thomas posted in FOP2 with Users and Devices.

    Not sure about the instructions but heres the [url= Post 179#p697:1qifp0rn]beta[/url:1qifp0rn]

  6. Sat Jan 2 22:11:35 2010

    #PARKSLOT=`/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "dialplan show parkedcalls" | grep "=>" | cut -d= -f1 | sed s/\'//g | sed 's/ //g'`
    #if [ "X${PARKSLOT}" != "X" ]; then
    #echo "[PARK/default]"
    #echo "extension=${PARKSLOT}"
    #echo "context=parkedcalls"
    #echo "type=park"
    #echo "Label=Park ${PARKSLOT}"

    The parking lot seems to be commented out in for some reason, maybe its not ready yet.

  7. Sat Jan 2 20:41:20 2010
    Thomas started the conversation LDAP/AD Import for Phonebook.

    Think this would be perfect for your phonebook as you could pull all the orginisations data in one go, not sure how big a job this would be so I may even look at doing it myself.

  8. Sat Jan 2 20:23:56 2010

    That fixed it for the most part, with the exception of one remaining error:

    /var/www/html/fop2/lib/dblib.php (line 233)

    mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource"

    I am going to use the fix posted by Thomas in a previous forum post

    View Post 143&p=545&hilit=supplied+argument+is+not+a+valid+MySQL+result+resource#p545

    But wanted to give a head's up.

    I wouldn't do that because all I did in that post was give it a condition that it could never match, just switch debugging off and report it as a bug to Nicolas.

  9. Sat Jan 2 02:06:26 2010

    The visual_phonebook table structure in the beta changed. You are using the old structure. In the beta tarball there is a mysql-update.db file with the alter commands to add the missing fields. Best regards,

    That would answer that bad result ;) Happy New Year.

  10. Fri Jan 1 21:15:49 2010

    Are you sure the config.php is setup properly?

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