

Last active 14 years ago

  1. 14 years ago
    Fri Oct 16 08:14:10 2009

    Thanks for clearing that up Nicolas.

  2. Wed Oct 14 14:25:17 2009

    I read on the forums that the swf file looks to connect on 4445 and cannot be changed at this time(although i would wait on Nicolas to confim it)

  3. Wed Oct 14 08:13:26 2009

    I suppose you could do something like

    public function fetch_assoc($query = false) {
    	 if($query and !is_bool($query)) { 
      		return mysql_fetch_assoc($query); 

    But my PHP isn't very good so if Nicolas could confirm that this isn't going to bork anything :D

  4. Tue Oct 13 15:26:35 2009

    I've updated my post in the installation and setup forum for you to read over, for some reason the import didn't work as expected, I've tested and re-tested the import as per the FOP2 Documentation and it works everytime :? anyhoo there is a workaround in the other forum

  5. Tue Oct 13 14:57:44 2009

    Hows about

    mysql -u root -proot
    use fop2;

    copy all and paste to console screen

    CREATE TABLE `visual_phonebook` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `firstname` varchar(50) default NULL,
      `lastname` varchar(50) default NULL,
      `company` varchar(100) default NULL,
      `phone1` varchar(25) default NULL,
      `phone2` varchar(25) default NULL,
      `picture` varchar(100) default NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

    and then

    show columns from visual_phonebook;
    | Field     | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
    | id        | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
    | firstname | varchar(50)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
    | lastname  | varchar(50)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
    | company   | varchar(100) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
    | phone1    | varchar(25)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
    | phone2    | varchar(25)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
    | picture   | varchar(100) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
    7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    for testing

    insert into visual_phonebook(firstname, lastname, phone1) values('john', 'doe', '0141123456');
    select * from visual_phonebook;
    | id | firstname | lastname | company | phone1     | phone2 | picture |
    |  1 | john      | doe      | NULL    | 0141123456 | NULL   | NULL    |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  6. Mon Oct 12 16:43:38 2009

    I'm sure thats by design.

  7. Sun Oct 11 13:40:14 2009
    Thomas posted in freepbx_engine integration.

    I think it would need to be the freepbx guys that done this request or you would have to change the engine file every time you update freepbx, looking at the file it shouldn't be to hard for them to do

    here is something to get you started

    reload_fop2() {
    	ps -C "fop2_server" >& /dev/null
    	if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
        		/etc/rc.d/init.d/fop2 restart
    		echo "FOP2 was restarted"
    		/etc/rc.d/init.d/fop2 start
    		echo "FOP2 was started"

    you could call this via reload_fop2 in the engine reload script

  8. Fri Oct 9 22:56:31 2009

    In regards to the multi tennant is 1000 a real extension? You could also post the details for 1000 in you button conf.

  9. Fri Oct 9 22:45:40 2009

    Log-in to mysql and then

    use fop2;
    select * from visual_phonebook;

    do you see the picture column?

    also goto


    edit config.php





    save and upload, goto http://YOUR_SERVER_IP/fop2/phonebook.php
    and paste the output here

  10. Sat Oct 3 23:27:08 2009
    Thomas posted in phonebook error.

    The visual phonebook requires php and mysql to be installed and running. You need to create a database and a table and give proper mysql credentials to the php application so it can read and write to the table. You also have to configure the language for the php application. In order to start, be sure to create a database for mysql using the proper password (replace XXXXX with your mysql root password):

    And [url=]This[/url:dyl6jse3]

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