login problems

  1. 15 years ago

    Hi all

    I have just setup fop2 to test with a trixbox (on the same box)

    went through installation no problems

    loaded up the web page entered the user 620 with the password 1234 all i get is "one moment please" and "connecting to server, attempt number 1"

    i have read a couple of posting and checked the manager sync, the permissions, and tried it on a windows IE browser and a centos firefox browser all with flash installed

    any idea's where i should look next



  2. are you using exec to generate the users or are they manually entered in your config? If exec then what password are you using, extension secret or vmpassword? If not exec does the extension exist?

    From the F.A.Q

    When I try to login after entering my credentials it waits forever and times out

    If you use international characters in your configs, be sure to save the button config file as utf-8. That should take care of the problem.

  3. hi Thomas

    thanks for replying

    I am using the default accounts (after removing the comment) at the bottom of the config file to test



  4. Try change it to an extension thats in asterisk like xxx:1234 where xxx is one of your extensions

  5. Hi Thomas

    is that not the format at the end of the config file ???



  6. In trixbox->PBX->PBX Settings->Extensions is there an extension 621?

  7. hi thomas

    Just back into work this morning

    I have a 621 extension on the trixbox and in the config file, when entering any extension it seems that it can't authenticate with the server even though they are on the same box



  8. Can you edit your fop2.cfg and comment out

    #exec autoconfig-users-freepbx.sh


    ;#exec autoconfig-users-freepbx.sh

    and then restart fop2 and then try and login

  9. hi Thomas

    thanks for that

    i am in :-)

    the line was already commented out after reading some of the other posting, i took the comment out restarted it and logged in first time



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