

Last active 14 years ago

  1. 15 years ago
    Wed Jul 22 10:53:58 2009

    From what I can see the atxfer AMI command is included by default on 1.6.1 and not 1.6.0 if this is right you would have to patch it in as I read that FOP2 will try do attended transfers on 1.6 versions. Maybe you could ask Andrew to add it into Trixbox 2.8.

  2. Tue Jul 21 13:56:32 2009
    Thomas posted in Most wanted features poll.

    Yes, I use Asterisk 1.4

  3. Mon Jul 20 20:34:39 2009
    Thomas posted in Most wanted features poll.

    Can Fop2 do assisted transfers? If not then that would get my vote.

  4. Sat Jul 11 23:02:07 2009
    Thomas started the conversation [MOD]CSV Import.

    Edit fop2/lib/dbgrid.php


    private $allow_export=true;

    Add under:

    private $allow_import=true;


    if ($this->allow_export) {
                if($sep==1) { $buttons.=" <div class='btnseparator'></div>"; }
                        <div class='fbutton'>
                            <span class='tbImgLink icon_export'>&nbsp;</span>
                            <span class='btnText' onclick='javascript:location=\"".SELF.$req."\"'>".trans('Export')."</span>

    Add Above:

    if ($this->allow_import) {
                if($sep==1) { $buttons.=" <div class='btnseparator'></div>"; }
                        <div class='fbutton'>
                            <span class='tbImgLink icon_export'>&nbsp;</span>
                            <span class='btnText' onclick='javascript:location=\"import.php\"'>".trans('Import')."</span>

    Save and upload

    Upload import.php to the fop2 root dir
    Upload output.sql to the fop2 root dir and CHMOD 777
    Update phonebook.csv with your names, numbers, etc etc and upload to fop2 root dir

    Login to fop2 and click Visual Phonebook then import and all should be done.

    [url=]Download Files[/url:fypvwofn]

  5. Thu Jul 9 12:51:47 2009

    I'll have a look once I complete my Cisco XML Services, been a while since I've touched php and MySQL, I'm a ASP.NET and MS SQL guy :lol:

  6. Thu Jul 9 11:04:21 2009

    I suggested this a while back(import CSV) so I'm not sure if Nicolas is intending to add this in a later version, my suggestion also included a "Import Field Map" so you don't have to change the CVS headers before Importing

    firstname -> first_name
    lastname -> second_name
    phone1 -> home_phone
    phone2 -> mobile_number

    etc etc

  7. Wed Jul 1 14:32:11 2009
    Thomas posted in Asterisk --> segfault-->.

    Not sure what the error is so hopefully Nicolas will be about soon but I wouldn't put it in the sip.conf as this will get over written by freePBX sooner or later, pop it into the sip_custom.conf

  8. Wed Jul 1 14:26:04 2009
    Thomas posted in Cannot logon in web page.

    Let us know how you get on :)

  9. Wed Jul 1 08:09:22 2009
    Thomas posted in Cannot logon in web page.

    I'm guessing that your "#exec" is overwriting your users with the freepbx ones try commenting that line out, restart fop2 and then try login to the panel again

  10. Mon Jun 29 17:52:01 2009
    Thomas started the conversation Couple of requests.


    1st request;

    CSV import for the Visual Phonebook and maybe a import field map i.e.

    firstname <- first_name
    lastname <- last_name
    phone1 <- homephone

    etc etc

    2nd request;

    Set "CALLER NAME" on transfer, my thinking behind this is

    1. Call comes in
    2. Receptionist does intro, asks name and call destination
    3. Receptionist selects destination and clicks "Transfer"
    4. Modal-popup asking for Caller "Name/Company" w/ OK button
    5. On destination phone displays "John Doe - 01212121221"
    6. May as well put it into the VPhonebook aswell :)

    3rd request;

    The ability to only show "CALLER NAME" (if it has one) and when you hover the "CALLER NAME" it would display the number.I've found that, if it has both, it seems to knock the layout off in IE7/IE8 as it adds a new line e.g

    Line 1: John Doe         00:05:23
    Line 2: Inactive

    Hope this all makes sense, if not just let me know and I will try elaborating more on each one