Most wanted features poll

  1. 15 years ago


    19 Jul 2009 Administrator

    Hi All,

    I am silently working on some features (by coding and in my head). Anyways I would like your opinions to see what is the most needed/wanted feature. I am planing the next FOP2 release for the first week of August. If you want to suggest other features, please post them here! Thanks,

  2. Can Fop2 do assisted transfers? If not then that would get my vote.

  3. admin

    20 Jul 2009 Administrator

    FOP2 can do attended transfers by using the native atxfer manager command available in asterisk 1.6, or by patching asterisk 1.4. But I will have to modify the daemon a bit to enforce atxfer on 1.4 systems. Do you use asterisk 1.4 ?

  4. Yes, I use Asterisk 1.4

  5. My top feature would be making the recorded calls work with FreePBX so they automatically show up which just requires a slightly different format for the filename...

  6. admin

    27 Jul 2009 Administrator

    For attendant transfers in 1.4 you have to patch asterisk ( ) and then I will have to patch fop2_server so you can force the atxfer command. Anyways, some people are reporting problems with asterisk 1.6 atxfer.

    In regards to the filename, I have a working version now with ARI friendly filenames. I will update fop2 tarballs shortly with the update.

    Best regards,

  7. For attendant transfers in 1.4 you have to patch asterisk ( ) and then I will have to patch fop2_server so you can force the atxfer command. Anyways, some people are reporting problems with asterisk 1.6 atxfer.

    Execellent work Nicolas ;)

  8. Hi,

    Can someone please tell me how to use the patch? I'm also on Asterisk 1.4 and want to use attended transfer from fop2.



  9. 14 years ago


    22 Mar 2010 Administrator

    All features except for php4 compatibility were implemented in 2.10!

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