Fop2 Admin Panel not log in

  1. 7 years ago

    I just updated my fop2 2.31.08 to 2.31.11.
    After update i cannot loged in to fop2 Admin panel https://172.16.*.***/fop2/admin/
    It said No enough privileges, other wise all fop2 functionality works fine.
    How to resolve this issue plz help.

  2. I found this to be the case with FreePBX 10.13.66 distro (FreePBX and FOP2 (2.31.11)/FOP2 Manager (1.1.8).

    I am able to login using FreePBX gui credentials but for some reason after logging into FreePBX the login information is not carrying over to FOP2 Manager as advertised.

  3. But My FreePBX Version is 2.11.0 , I m Using Elastix 4.0 and asterisk 11.25.
    Any suggestion ??

  4. Edited 7 years ago by FreerPBXer

    Having the same problem here. Just updated FOP2 to 2.31.12. Now cannot login to the admin panel. FreePBX 10.13.66-20. Have restarted the FOP2 service several times.

  5. admin

    8 Aug 2017 Administrator

    I will push a new FOP2 version shortly, in the meantime, edit /var/www/html/fop2/admin/secure/secure-functions.php, line 115, from this:

    $query = "SELECT username AS login,IF(sections LIKE '%*%','admin','user') AS level,username AS name FROM ";

    to this

    $query = "SELECT username AS login,IF(sections LIKE '%%*%%','admin','user') AS level,username AS name FROM ";

    Also, edit /var/www/html/fop2/admin/config.php and if you have:


    change it to


    That should do the trick.

  6. Not resolved same error.

  7. Just upgraded an affected system from 2.31.11 to 2.31.14 and still cannot login to the admin panel with the integrated fr33pbx login. Help?

  8. admin

    4 Sep 2017 Administrator

    First of all, it is not needed to restart FOP2 at all if you have issues with the FOP2 Manager. They are not related, one thing is the switchboard, a different application is the manager. So, if you have issues with the FOP2 manager, you can let alone the fop2 service, as a change in /fop2/admin/config.php does not affect the switchboard.

    As for unable to login, you might have three different problems:

    1. invalid credentials alert
    2. insufficient privileges alert
    3. nothing

    And also two possible scenarios:

    1. running a 'known' auth backend like FPBX, Issabel or Ombutel
    2. not running a 'nown' auth backend or using vanilla Asterisk

    Depending on the problem, you should review different things.

    If you want to share authentication credentials with your asterisk config backend (if supported), then set USE_BACKEND_AUTH to true, if not, set it to false and authentication/authorization will be made against FOP2 Manager own user tables (fop2managerusers, fop2manageracl and fop2managersecurelevel)

    If you set backend auth to false, then you should try to log with the default user/pass that was configured in /var/www/html/fop2/admin/config.php... if you see invalid credentials, then either the user or password is wrong, if you get insuficient privileges, then acl is not set or wrong. fop2manageracl table should have around 17 entries with sections and their required secure level, and fop2managersecurelevel both the admin and user levels set). If any of those tables is empty, then you will need them populated.

    Best regards,

  9. Hello,

    I have a similar problem, just upgraded fop2admin (to 1.19 if memory is good) and no more login.

    The credentials are default and I get no error message.
    If I try different credentials I Get an error message

    In ssl_error_log I got :
    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function fop2_get_plugins_menu() in /var/www/html/fop2/admin/menu.php on line 6

    I think it was during the upgrade process

  10. Hello, I forgot to say, I use Elatix 3 MTE. All was working fine before upgrade of the manager

  11. We run FreePBX v13 (completely updated modules and core). That box has FOP2 running, updated to the most recent version (.15). The "default" admin account in FreePBX can access fop2 manager without issues. There is another account, called CAAdmin, that has been created in FreePBX user manager and given full admin rights. That account works perfect in FreePBX to admin anything on the PBX in FreePBX. However, that account cannot log into FOP2 Manager; it always states "invalid credentials".

    I thought if the account (CAAdmin in this instance) has full FreePBX admin rights it should be able to log into FOP2 Manager.

    Direction is appreciated.

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