

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Sun Sep 24 08:22:51 2017

    Same here.
    I have tried to change user and password in database and in config files to no avail.

    What can we do ?

  2. Sun Sep 24 08:10:09 2017
    Parlanoo974 posted in Fop2 Admin Panel not log in.

    Hello, I forgot to say, I use Elatix 3 MTE. All was working fine before upgrade of the manager

  3. Sun Sep 24 07:56:04 2017
    Parlanoo974 posted in Fop2 Admin Panel not log in.


    I have a similar problem, just upgraded fop2admin (to 1.19 if memory is good) and no more login.

    The credentials are default and I get no error message.
    If I try different credentials I Get an error message

    In ssl_error_log I got :
    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function fop2_get_plugins_menu() in /var/www/html/fop2/admin/menu.php on line 6

    I think it was during the upgrade process

  4. Thu Jun 22 17:23:59 2017
    Parlanoo974 posted in Voicemail move/delete not working.

    I have the same problem with an elastix multi tenant
    Did you ever solve your issue ?

    Thanks in advance


  5. 8 years ago
    Sat Dec 19 07:53:55 2015
    Parlanoo974 posted in FOP2 2.30 Beta.

    Hello, a small translation error to :
    In French, logout is "Deconnexion, not Deonnection



  6. Sat Dec 19 07:50:08 2015
    Parlanoo974 posted in FOP2 2.30 Beta.

    Hello, Just a suggestion :

    At the end of the upgrade, you should mention not only the config file of fop2 but the config file of fop2admin too.

    I must each time change the DB Access in both.

    Or for Elastix 3 MTE, you can use the default Elastix dB (elxpbx) and find the password of the db in /etc/elastix.conf
    you have a line :


    (user root for mysql)

    Thanks in advance


  7. Thu Nov 26 16:43:50 2015
    Parlanoo974 posted in FOP2 2.30 Beta.

    A few bug on Elastix MTE :

    ligne 1715 et 1749 (suppression de encoded)
    ligne 1757 commentaire (formencoded) ligne 128 change exclude par fop2buttons.exclude

    After works well.

    Previous version (4th of November) some buttons were missing when we created many groups.

    Thanks for this good product

  8. Wed Nov 4 14:55:19 2015
    Parlanoo974 joined the forum.