

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Fri Sep 29 13:37:58 2017
    xptpa2020 posted in Fop2 Admin Panel not log in.

    We run FreePBX v13 (completely updated modules and core). That box has FOP2 running, updated to the most recent version (.15). The "default" admin account in FreePBX can access fop2 manager without issues. There is another account, called CAAdmin, that has been created in FreePBX user manager and given full admin rights. That account works perfect in FreePBX to admin anything on the PBX in FreePBX. However, that account cannot log into FOP2 Manager; it always states "invalid credentials".

    I thought if the account (CAAdmin in this instance) has full FreePBX admin rights it should be able to log into FOP2 Manager.

    Direction is appreciated.

  2. 8 years ago
    Mon May 2 20:08:57 2016
    xptpa2020 joined the forum.