New FOP2 install on AsteriskNow, can't log into FOP2Manager.

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi everyone.

    Today, I did a fresh install of AsteriskNow, then immediately ran the one-step install script described at , and I can't log into the FOP2 Manager with the default username and password. I even tried changing the password in the MySQL database (using UPDATE fop2managerusers SET password=SHA1('newpassword');) but without any luck. I've checked the configuration of the FOP2 Manager in /var/www/html/fop2/admin/config.php and I see the 'USE_BACKEND_AUTH' set to "true".

    I'm not sure where to go from here. Any help is appreciated!

  2. admin

    4 Sep 2017 Administrator


    You must set USE_BACKEND_AUTH to false. After that try to login again. If login fails, do you see an error with invalid credentials? or not enough privileges? or none? If the later, you should review your web server error log to see if there might be issues with php sessions.

    Best regards,

  3. Okay, that's all I needed to do! Thank you for your help!

  4. Help please,

    I've upgraded from the manager to the suggested 1.1.9 version.
    I can't login any more using the admin user.
    file /var/www/html/fop2/admin/config.php as the same $ADMINUSER and $ADMINPWD as before.

    Logging with invalid user I get the invalid credentials message and with the correct I get no message (just can't login).

    I set debug level but I see no events from my side trying to connect as admin (even with wrong user) but I can see all events when connected the the relevant user context.

    I see no errors in the web server log.

    What is the problem and how can I fix it.

  5. Same here.
    I have tried to change user and password in database and in config files to no avail.

    What can we do ?

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