

Last active 5 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Mon Mar 5 17:12:48 2018
    sbasan posted in FOP2 multi tenant.

    Just great... I bought licenses with no support nor working system.

  2. Sun Feb 18 20:25:40 2018
    sbasan posted in FOP2 multi tenant.

    Is this forum alive?
    It looks like there is no maintanance nor support.

  3. Wed Feb 14 10:12:45 2018
    sbasan started the conversation FOP2 multi tenant.


    I'm using ELX MT base and all tenants are in the elxpbx datanase under fop2contexts table.

    1. When I'm deleting organizaion it's not deleted from this table.
    2. I added new organization but it's not being displayed in the FOP2 tenans page.

    I checked the above table and it's there.
    Checking the php code the results are : $results = $db->consulta("SELECT * FROM fop2contexts WHERE 1=1 $allowed ORDER BY context");

    the $allowed parameter is: isset($_SESSION[MYAP]['AUTHVAR']['allowed_tenants'])?$_SESSION[MYAP]['AUTHVAR']['allowed_tenants']:'';
    but when printing this parameter I see that the new organization ID is not in the allowed list.

  4. 7 years ago
    Tue Sep 12 16:46:06 2017

    Help please,

    I've upgraded from the manager to the suggested 1.1.9 version.
    I can't login any more using the admin user.
    file /var/www/html/fop2/admin/config.php as the same $ADMINUSER and $ADMINPWD as before.

    Logging with invalid user I get the invalid credentials message and with the correct I get no message (just can't login).

    I set debug level but I see no events from my side trying to connect as admin (even with wrong user) but I can see all events when connected the the relevant user context.

    I see no errors in the web server log.

    What is the problem and how can I fix it.

  5. Tue Aug 15 15:55:37 2017
    sbasan started the conversation New install.


    New server installation. When run
    # /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - License file /usr/local/fop2/fop2.lic not found.
    Running in Demo Mode
    Backticks found where operator expected at (eval 99) line 2, at end of line
    (Might be a runaway multi-line `` string starting on line 1)
    Unrecognized character \xEE at (eval 99) line 2.
    Connection to manager OK!

    What is the backticks found.... mean?
    I don't have this message on other servers.

  6. Tue Aug 15 11:48:34 2017
    sbasan posted in Login to FOP.

    Why I'm getting no answer?

    I have several servers with license and as from day before yesterday after microsoft update any login popup "plugin has been blocked on this page".
    No matter if I enable flash it still popup this message.
    It block adobe flash player and I can't login any more (admin can still login).

    Urgent assist needed as all FOPs are no longer working.

  7. Wed Aug 2 16:40:28 2017
    sbasan started the conversation Login to FOP.


    After installing license I can't login to fop as user (although to admin it's ok).
    After getting "one moment please and connecting to server, attempt number X" there is indication that this page is trying to load script from unathenticated sources".
    If not enable this I get Adobe Flash Player Required.
    If enabled the page is blinked by the login popup and back to one moment (can't get just the login popup) very fast.
    In debug messages I see attempt to login with no user data.
    After some time I get "System is not available right now"

    Same installed on other VM servers (same copy) some with and without license but they worked fine.
    After getting "one moment please and connecting to server, attempt number X" I get the login popup and not the browser indication that the page is trying to load script from unathenticated sources.

    There is no blocking from FW as I see the login attempt in the debug log file.
    Before installing the license it worked fine but I can't see the relevance.

    What is the problem?

  8. 8 years ago
    Thu Aug 11 11:33:15 2016


    How can I strip the #{CLIDNUM} variable?
    If it xxxxxxxxxx how can I pop up link like xx-xxxxxxxx ?

  9. Mon Mar 14 16:08:03 2016
    sbasan posted in FOP2 2.30 Beta.

    Solved in a flash by Nicolas.
    I'm sure he can give a few words for other future users with same symptoms.

  10. Mon Mar 14 14:43:45 2016
    sbasan posted in FOP2 2.30 Beta.

    It's a production server so all users can't access the FOP.
    Don't know what cause this but every upgrade I have some issues and/or changes need to be done in a code related to the upgrade.

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