FOP2 2.30 Beta

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Is it possible to make a call directly from the 'contacts' list? (I think the 'old' virtual phonebook was more usefull)

  3. Deleted 8 years ago by norspang
  4. admin

    14 Oct 2015 Administrator

    Yes, it is possible to make a call, similar to the virtual phonebook of previous versions. click on the telephone icon for click to dial on any given contact.

  5. That is exactly how i suspected it to react, however nothing happens.

  6. admin

    14 Oct 2015 Administrator

    Maybe you did not upgrade to 2.30 final?

  7. Ahh. I'll better check that tomorrow, I know that i have DL both...

  8. Weeeee------ it was the Beta i had installed, after installing the final it worked like a charm....
    Likewise with the other problem i have had, making it work on bidden fruit products...

  9. Hi! Released version, but it is not clear what new? Maybe I'm not looking of course?

  10. admin

    9 Nov 2015 Administrator

    There is a changelog provided in the fop2 tarball, here is the tidbig for 2.30.02:

    ------------------------------- FOP2 Version 2.30.02 ------------------------------- date: Wed Nov 04 17:03:23 2015 -0300 summary: Add mising context page in FOP2 Manager. Fix query for multi tenant in autoconfig buttons date: Tue Nov 03 15:55:30 2015 -0300 summary: Be sure actions are sent to AMI and not ESL when no fsesl defined date: Tue Nov 03 15:01:49 2015 -0300 summary: Bump FOP2 Manager to 1.1.0 date: Tue Nov 03 15:00:48 2015 -0300 summary: Fix alertify prompt on FOP2 Manager date: Tue Nov 03 14:59:18 2015 -0300 summary: Update browser plugin to support multiple windows version 1.0.1 date: Thu Oct 29 13:27:11 2015 -0300 summary: Add textarea formats with codemirror editor for FOP2 Manager, so we can have nice looking editors for tempaltes date: Thu Oct 29 13:25:42 2015 -0300 summary: Make transfer to mailbox and transfer external use mailbox and external numbers to dial when not busy date: Wed Oct 28 14:11:45 2015 -0300 summary: Update fop2button table definitions for create statements date: Wed Oct 28 13:36:25 2015 -0300 summary: Functions custom in FOP2 Manager will discard templates definitions from sip.conf

  11. Hi,

    I just downloaded the latest version.
    Logging as admin and press the "Tenants" I got "The requested URL /fop2/admin/pagebs.fop2contexts.php was not found on this server."

    The file pagebs.fop2contexts.php is missing

  12. admin

    23 Nov 2015 Administrator

    Thanks for the feedback, I will review it. In the meantime, download the fop2manager tar.gz from , extract it and see if you have the file in there.

  13. File is missing.

  14. admin

    24 Nov 2015 Administrator

    Redownload the file please, should be there now.

  15. A few bug on Elastix MTE :

    ligne 1715 et 1749 (suppression de encoded)
    ligne 1757 commentaire (formencoded) ligne 128 change exclude par fop2buttons.exclude

    After works well.

    Previous version (4th of November) some buttons were missing when we created many groups.

    Thanks for this good product

  16. @Parlanoo974 A few bug on Elastix MTE :

    ligne 1715 et 1749 (suppression de encoded)
    ligne 1757 commentaire (formencoded) ligne 128 change exclude par fop2buttons.exclude

    After works well.

    Previous version (4th of November) some buttons were missing when we created many groups.

    Thanks for this good product

    Can you please elaborate if my problem that all buttons are not being displayed after the upgrade is the problem you mentioned for elastix MTE?

  17. admin

    30 Nov 2015 Administrator

    Most probably it has to do with the where you must set a field as fop2buttons.exclude instead of just exclude: ligne 128 change exclude par fop2buttons.exclude

  18. Solved, thanks.

  19. Is it possible to run this beta along side my stable version of fop as a test?

  20. admin

    9 Dec 2015 Administrator

    It is not possible. Actually it is possible but super complicated to setup: copy the server part into a different location than /usr/loca/fop2, for example /usr/local/fop2new, copy the html files to a different location that /var/www/html/fop2, for example /var/www/html/fop2new, change the listen port on /usr/local/fop2new/fop2.cfg to something different than 4445, change web_dir to point to the new web location /var/www/html/fop2new, copy the fop2.lic file from /usr/local/fop2 to /usr/local/fop2new, then start the fop2_server from that new location to launch the server: /usr/local/fop2/fop2new/fop2_server -d, and then browse the web files http://your.server/fop2new

    However 2.30 is no longer in beta and considered stable.

  21. Hello, Just a suggestion :

    At the end of the upgrade, you should mention not only the config file of fop2 but the config file of fop2admin too.

    I must each time change the DB Access in both.

    Or for Elastix 3 MTE, you can use the default Elastix dB (elxpbx) and find the password of the db in /etc/elastix.conf
    you have a line :


    (user root for mysql)

    Thanks in advance


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