Names not updating

  1. 12 years ago

    I have an old user's extension name showing in FOP2, but when I add that user to a QUE it goes to the current new users name.. Anyone had this type of issue.

    On latest version also..

  2. admin

    11 Jun 2012 Administrator

    Go to fop2admin "fop2 buttons" page and click the "refresh labels" button to update labels (or change it individually).

  3. Thank you.. Should work out great..

  4. Hi there i read this post and need to know how do i access the fop2admin is it via a link or how do i know its working it may help with the updating of changes to FOP2?

    I have updated extention in buttons.cfg file and added new queues in the group entries in the fop.cfg

    Both files were saved and fop2_server serves was stoped and started again.

    Below is what if have changed in the fop.cfg file :



    ;;Res Users

    Below is what if have changed in the buttons.cfg file :


  5. admin

    8 Aug 2012 Administrator

    Hi there i read this post and need to know how do i access the fop2admin is it via a link or how do i know its working it may help with the updating of changes to FOP2?

    I have updated extention in buttons.cfg file and added new queues in the group entries in the fop.cfg

    Both files were saved and fop2_server serves was stoped and started again.

    Below is what if have changed in the fop.cfg file :



    ;;Res Users

    Below is what if have changed in the buttons.cfg file :



    fop2admin is a management module for FreePBX. If you use fop2admin, then you should *not* modify config files manually. Any change you do to the files will be overriden by the autoconfiguration scripts for fop2admin.

    You posted a bunch of manual configurations, so I will asume you are *not* running any scripts for autoconfiguration, including fop2admin. If you have a line like:


    In your fop2.cfg file, then anything you do manually will probably be overriden later by that script. If you want manual, then you must remove all #exec lines.

    Regarding the manual configuration, the group limitations are handled only in the user line, and it seems correct. But remembrer that adding something in the group will not create the button in buttons.cfg, suppose you add a queue to te queues2 group, then you also need to add that queue to buttons.cfg. You do not mention the modifications you made, so I cannot give you a good example, but if you add in the group the queue "QUEUE/something", then you *must* add "QUEUE/somthing" into buttons.cfg, like


    Best regards,

  6. Hi Nicolas.

    Thank you very much for your reply aprricaite yout time and work. :P

    O yes i forgot :roll: :oops: about adding the queues in buttons.cfg file. I have added the queue similar to yours,example as below:

    label=IEX Support

    The only concern i still have is the button 5334 that is not displaying the name on the buttons some times this happens and i have tried examples from working buttons but still it refuses to display the name on the button of some specific numbers. Below is a exampe i have made in the buttons.cfg:

    label=NatashaN (This is NOT displaying on BUTTON)

    Please advise further thanking you in advance for your time :mrgreen:

  7. admin

    16 Aug 2012 Administrator


    A button does not "refuse" to show a label. Two things can happen:

    1) the label is too long and overflows, the css style is to hide that, if you mouse over, a tooltip will display the full label. You can also change the .css style and increase width or reduce font size

    2) the extension@context for that button matches a Local/extension@context queue member. In that case, the label will be renamed to the one set as member name. If you set the member name to the agent number, then the button will display that number.

    Best regards,

  8. Hi there.

    See comments below your pointers.

    1) the label is too long and overflows, the css style is to hide that, if you mouse over, a tooltip will display the full label. You can also change the .css style and increase width or reduce font size

    When i hover over faulty button its shows NONE even over working buttons with label name its show NONE when mosue is howered over button.

    2) the extension@context for that button matches a Local/extension@context queue member. In that case, the label will be renamed to the one set as member name. If you set the member name to the agent number, then the button will display that number.

    I dont understand in what you are explaing were do i see those entries you explaned. Do i have to add thsoe mentioned entries in to my exsiting button entries ?? EX:

    label=NatashaN (This is NOT displaying on BUTTON)

  9. Please advise still awaiting feedback ? :cry:

  10. admin

    21 Aug 2012 Administrator

    As I said, buttons do not refuse to show or not show a label. I repeat, if you have a button with an extension and context that matches a local queue member, then the button will be renamed to the one of the queue member. I do not know if that is your case, but could be, try this command:

    asterisk -rx "queue show"

    See if you have members of type Local, something like: Local/1234@from-internal/n

    If you do have them, then check a button with extension=1234 and context=from-internal , if you find a match, then that button will be renamed with the queue member name if any. IF the queue member name is empty, then it will show an empty label.

  11. Hi there.

    Please advise if the below is correct ?

    (13:27:59)(Asterisk Unit 2) ast-U2 asterisk # asterisk -rx "queue show any-res-general-queue"
    any-res-general-queue has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime, 0s talktime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 30s


    SIP/5608 with penalty 2 (Unavailable) has taken no calls yet
    SIP/5334 with penalty 1 (Unavailable) has taken no calls yet

    No Callers

    My button below:

    extension=5334 ?
    context=local-sip ?

    The other buttons has the same entries as above button and they work !!

  12. Still no reply please help i need it decpretaly :o

  13. admin

    27 Aug 2012 Administrator

    Still no reply please help i need it decpretaly :o

    Not sure what you want me to say. It could be correct, or not.

    1. you are showing just one queue, but other queue members might change/rename the button.
    2. you are displaying one button snippet, but there is no way for me to say if what you see comes from that button or different one.

    If you want to test, try removing elements or start from zero and adding elements one by one, and see how it works, for example, create a config with just those two buttons (queue and extension), and *nothing* more. Start fop2 and look at the button label, suppose you do not see the label, then change that button to the other one in the same queue, do you see the label? Go up with this until you find what change is making the button label to show/not show.

    Best regards,

  14. 8 years ago

    I know this thread is very old, but I was having an issue where the button name would not update to the new label even though it was correct in the database and in the admin interface. Turned out the extension was a member of a queue somewhere that was preventing the name from updating. When I removed the extension from all queues, it updated and then I could re-add the extension to the queues and it would display correctly. Hope this helps someone.

  15. admin

    22 Dec 2015 Administrator

    Hi Jonathan,

    Thanks for your post. What you saw is due to a bug (or oversight) in FreePBX, where a queue member name is not changed when the extension name does.

    FOP2 will rename buttons to the queue member name (to accommodate to some callcenter and hotdesk scenarios, where you might have a different agent sitting on the same box at different times). Also to make the queue filter work. So, if you have an extension with name "John", but that extension as queue member is named "Mary", in FOP2 you will see it as "Mary".

    When you modified the queue in FreePBX, the queue member name got synced inside FreePBX, and so you see it reflected in FOP2 afterwards.

    Best regards,

  16. I realize this is an old thread but I am having the strangest issue. I have a button in the FOP that will not change its name. The name is correct on the extension itself and in the FOP Manager but it keeps showing the old name in the FOP when you log in. I have removed it from every queue it was part of and I have completely removed the extension all together and rebuilt it and it still shows the old name in the FOP. Any ideas?

    FOP2 - Version 2.31.00
    FOP2 Manager version 1.1.3

  17. admin

    8 Jun 2016 Administrator

    if the output from /usr/local/fop2/ shows the correct name, then the only way a button could be renamed is because of a queue member matching the device lor local/extension@context.

    Run this

    asterisk -rx "queue show"

    Inspect it carefully, do you see that "old" name somewhere?

  18. 5 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by AdaltoCesar


    I have FOP2 Version 2.31.19 running on Issabel 4.0. I chaged agents names on a queue, but the names on the queues group remain the same. I've tried all the instructions I found on the forum but the queue reload all command. I was afraid to loose the statistics. How can I make the names of the agents on the queue group syncronize with the current names on the actual asterisk extensions ?

    When I run asterisk -rx "queue show" I still see the old names. But is there a way to update the names without loosing the statistics ?

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