Remove a Trunk button

  1. 14 years ago

    Hey all,

    Using the lastest beta that will be released April 1st - with a valid license purchase recently.

    Using FreePBX - and obvioulsy the freepbx module to manage the Panel etc.

    Once we installed fop2 and the freepbx plugin - all just seemed to work. We have all the Extensions listed (albeit showing unistim extension online when they actually arent) and queues and trunks seem OK.

    I run the auto config scripts once after install - which i assume created all the lovelly buttons i now see. I have a few quesitons.

    1. Changing the label of a trunk/queue - this can be done using the freepbx plugin by going to the "fop2 buttons" page and simply editing the label field. Is this the correct way to do such a thing ?
    2. How can we remove a button from displaying. In essence we do not wish to display the default zap/g0 trunk as it will not be used. I could remove it from the Asterisk setup all together - however just removing it from the Panel would be the ideal solution - how do i go about this. Do i have to create a buttons.cfg file and put in every single button i wish to see ? or can i just put in say the trunks section - which will override the trunks currently seen ? (hope that makes sence :))
    3. As above with number 2 - when creating a buttons.cfg - are the buttons contained in this file the ONLY ones that will be seen - or are the appropriate sections overridden ?


  2. 2. How can we remove a button from displaying. In essence we do not wish to display the default zap/g0 trunk as it will not be used.

    Me too. I have two trunks that I want to keep around, but aren't presently using. Merely disabling them doesn't remove them from the Trunks buttons. Maybe a disabled trunk shouldn't have a button at all? Maybe there should be a check box "hide" in the freepbx module somewhere (per trunk, or per button)?

  3. It seemed like this could be fixed in the sql in the (by only selecting trunks that aren't disabled), but if you have the freepbx module installed, it seems that the buttons' existence is created by the module, not the autoconfig...

  4. admin

    30 Mar 2010 Administrator

    You can use groups and NOT Include those trunks or buttons you do not want to display, and then assign the group to users.

  5. You can use groups

    Ah hah! Perfect.

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