Auto Wrapup Issues - Causing automatic un-pause.

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by tomwer

    Hi All,

    We've recently enabled Auto Wrapup plugin. Everything seemed fine initially, however we quickly started noticing agents pause status automatically unpausing/changing.

    Is this a known issue?

    Agent will go on lunch - set pause to lunch. Some moments later there is a computed unpause.

    Any ideas? @admin

  2. admin

    23 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Auto wrapup plugin will set a pause for an agent when there is an AGENTCOMPLETE event received for that channel, and automatically unpauses after the wrapup time. It is not a know issue, it is the exact behaviour we seek with the plugin, to pause/unpause when a channel ends a call with the "Wrapup" reason.

    If some agent pauses himself, then they should not get any AGENTCOMPLETE events as they won't be receiving queue calls until unpaused.

    If some agent pauses WHILE being on a call, then it will get unpaused when he finishes the call, as the wrapup plugin will set to pause and unpause afterwards after that AGENTCOMPLETE event.

    Best regards,

  3. Interesting.

    A lot of people will put themselves on lunch but come back to an "available" phone. I would understand what you are saying, however it doesn't happen after the designated 60 seconds wrap up time, it waits 5-6 minutes before unpausing the agent.

    I will monitor these today and report back.

  4. Hi @admin

    Today I sat with Henry in our support team and select Break as the pause option. After seconds, it automatically un-paused.. We then had to repause ourselves.

    See attached screenshot.

    What could be causing this?

  5. Also - I am referring tot he 44 second pause which is the one that was automatic.

  6. admin

    29 Mar 2016 Administrator

    The only way to see what is going on is to start the fop2 server in debug mode and capture events, actions and responses. It will give an idea at least of the events causing the unpause.

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