Clock Plugin not shows

  1. 8 years ago


    I have the Clock Plugin enabled and works fine only if I have a minimum of one button set on toolbar. If I disable all buttons, I can't see the clock, is hidden behind the "filter" search. I attach an image where you can see an example.


  2. admin

    6 Nov 2015 Administrator

    Thanks for the feedback, I have updated the plugin to version 1.0.2 that will show in the case you do not have action buttons.

    Best regards,

  3. Hi,

    Thanks, now we see the clock perfectly.

    Best regards,

  4. I have the same issue.... no clock on the top.
    I have installed the plugin.
    How do I enable the plugin.... and where???

  5. admin

    28 Aug 2016 Administrator

    How did you install the plugin? How did you install and configured FOP2?

  6. I have installed the FOP2 manually on my CentOS Server.
    Configured manually the fop2.cfg and button.cfg
    I start the Manager and installed the Plugins Clock and Call History (both are not on the panel yet).

    FOP2 Version 2.31.03

  7. And this is my fop2.cfg

    ; xxServer
    manager_host =
    manager_port = 5040
    manager_user = admin
    manager_secret = xxxxxxxx
    listen_port = 4445
    web_dir = /var/www/html/fop2
    language = de
    poll_interval = 86400
    poll_voicemail = 1
    monitor_ipaddress = 1
    spy_options = "bq"
    whisper_options = "w"
    blind_transfer = 0
    supervised_transfer = 1
    ; For fop2 recording interface
    master_key = xxxx
    user = 50:xxx:all
    user = 53:xxx:all
    user = 54:xxx:all
    user = 55:xxx:all
    buttonfile = buttons.cfg
  8. admin

    31 Aug 2016 Administrator

    Ok, manually configuring and addition of #exec will lead to trouble. Either chose manual configuration, or stick to the FOP2 Manager (#exec).

    My suggestion for you is to use the FOP2 Manager, that means that you should ditch all those user=xxx buttonfile=xx and plugin=xxx lines in fop2.cfg and leave only the #exec line.

    Then rename your buttons.cfg file as buttons_custom.cfg

    Finally log into the FOP2 Manager and create your users there, and install plugins there, via the FOP2 Manager. You will be able to install/uninstall plugins, create users and groups, assign plugins to users or not, etc, all from the FOP2 Manager web gui. And your buttons will be shown also there as you defined in the buttons_custom.cfg file.

    Best regards,

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