FOP2 Stops responding after awhile

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  2. 13 years ago

    Did you find out any workaround for this?

    I have the exact same issue with my Firefox/Ubuntu system.

    XP virtual works fine though.

  3. I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing the same thing, but glad to see that I'm not the only one (I thought I was going crazy). I actually went back to 2.11. I've tried so many things since then I'm not sure if that was the fix or if it was something else. I'm thinking about trying 2.20 again soon. I've just been too busy to think about it at the moment. If I remember correctly I was still having an issue where the page would kind of lock up and not show current status. My very crude fix to this was to force the page to refresh every 15 minutes.

    To do that you need to backup this file /var/www/html/fop2/index.html and then edit the following line in it:


    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />


    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="900" />

    I don't know if you need the rest of the meta line, but I made this change about 2 months ago and it's been working fine.

  4. Mine is instantaneous. That is, I can start up the panel, see a current phone call yet if that phone call hangs up, it doesn't show on the fop2 panel. It still shows connected until I do a page refresh.

    I keep an XP virtual open all day anyways and I'm the only one using Ubuntu, so I'll just live with it. Though it would be nice if it could be addressed.

  5. You might give chrome a try. It seemed to behave a little bit better in that for some reason. What asterisk version are you running?

  6. admin

    3 May 2011 Administrator

    I use ubuntu/firefox, and I do not experience the issue at all. In order to fix bugs, the idea is for you to capture at least some debug output as explained in this and several other posts. It seems you have a problem with your client if it works for other machines in the system (client is firefox/flash). You might want to test at least with google chrome, that uses html5 websockets instead of flash. Or you can install firebug and open the javascript console and send me some of the output you see there in order to troubleshot. Best regards,

  7. My XP virtual machine had a firefox update this morning and is now exhibiting the same issue. I'll do a capture as suggested.

  8. Issue ended up being with FOP1 interfering. I have it disabled now and things look to be working normally.

    Thank you for the online chat help!!

  9. Same problem here.
    The panel hangs until a manual browser refresh with some browsers.

    Tested with Chrome 11.0.696.57 beta and Firefox 4 on openSuse 11.4, IE8 and Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7 and IE7 on Vista.

    Works with:

    • Firefox 4 (openSuse 11.4)
    • IE8 and Firefox 3.6 (Windows 7)

    Works NOT with:

    • Chrome 11.0.696.57 beta (openSuse 11.4)
    • IE7 (Vista)
  10. admin

    4 May 2011 Administrator

    Thanks for taking the time to make all those tests. But unfortunately none of them will help much if you do not at least open the javascript console on an affected browser and send me the output. Chrome has such a console.

    Best regards,

  11. I'm experiencing similar issues with Chrome 11.0.696.65 not responding after a while on a WinXP machine. Here's the info from the console:

    wav false
    set session context
    formato wav
    set menu
    Client has HTML5 web sockets!
    set menu
    set menu queue
    no tiene permiso chat
    get cookie extensionlist
    get cookie queuelist
    get cookie trunklist
    get cookie conferencelist
    get cookie parklist
    Client has HTML5 web sockets!
    set session extension
    /fop2/fop2-variablesGENERAL.txtFailed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    Second Init after loading variables
    Attempt to connect to port 4445
    intento conectar web socket en ws://
    on open
    ws send <msg data="GENERAL|contexto|1|" />
    ws connect 1
    0,key=reTbUlZklQicDOALAMquHC7neiU en slot
    0,version=2.20!!1 en slot
    ws send <msg data="1|auth|149|79c9ab4cb9b0eee1b7ddaacb20c8398f" />
    0,preferences=eyAiZGlzcGxheVF1ZXVlIjogIm1heCIsImR5bmFtaWNMaW5lRGlzcGxheSI6ICJvZmYiLCJsYW5ndWFnZSI6ICJlbiIsIm5vdGlmeUR1cmF0aW9uIjogIjYiLCJzb3VuZENoYXQiOiAiIiwic291bmRRdWV1ZSI6ICIiLCJzb3VuZFJpbmciOiAiIn0= en slot
    llegaron las preferences { "displayQueue": "max","dynamicLineDisplay": "off","language": "en","notifyDuration": "6","soundChat": "","soundQueue": "","soundRing": ""}
    Ponemos preferencias en valores default
    0,vmailpath=/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail en slot
    0,permit=YWxs en slot
    set session phonebook
    set session admin
    set menu queue
    no tiene licencia chat
    ws send <msg data="1|initState||79c9ab4cb9b0eee1b7ddaacb20c8398f" />
    0,demo=2 en slot 0
    2,qualify=notok en slot 0
    3,voicemail=2 en slot
    3,voicemailcount=&vmail_count!0!1 en slot
    3,qualify=ok en slot 0
    4,status=unpaused en slot 0
    4,rename=125 Ann Koehler en slot
    4,qualify=ok en slot 0
    5,qualify=ok en slot 0
    6,qualify=ok en slot 0
    8,status=unpaused en slot 0
    8,rename=143 Daniel VerWeire en slot
    8,voicemail=1 en slot
    8,voicemailcount=&vmail_count!2!0 en slot
    8,qualify=ok en slot 0
    9,status=unpaused en slot 0
    9,qualify=ok en slot 0
    10,status=unpaused en slot 0
    10,rename=152 Jerah Augello en slot
    10,qualify=ok en slot 0
    11,status=unpaused en slot 0
    11,rename=153 Norma Pagano en slot
    11,qualify=ok en slot 0
    12,details= en slot 0
    13,queuemembers=PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0nbWVtYmVycmVhZHkgbXljbGljaycgaWQ9J3FtIVFVRVVFLzI1MCFMb2NhbC8xNDlAZnJvbS1xdWV1ZS9uJz48L2Rpdj48c3Bhbj5TaGF3biBXaWx0c2U8L3NwYW4+PGJyIGNsYXNzPSdjbGVhcicvPg== en slot
    14,queuemembers=PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0nbWVtYmVycmVhZHkgbXljbGljaycgaWQ9J3FtIVFVRVVFLzI1MSFMb2NhbC8xMjVAZnJvbS1xdWV1ZS9uJz48L2Rpdj48c3Bhbj5Bbm4gS29laGxlcjwvc3Bhbj48YnIgY2xhc3M9J2NsZWFyJy8+PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0nbWVtYmVycmVhZHkgbXljbGljaycgaWQ9J3FtIVFVRVVFLzI1MSFMb2NhbC8xNTJAZnJvbS1xdWV1ZS9uJz48L2Rpdj48c3Bhbj5KZXJhaCBBdWdlbGxvPC9zcGFuPjxiciBjbGFzcz0nY2xlYXInLz48ZGl2IGNsYXNzPSdtZW1iZXJyZWFkeSBteWNsaWNrJyBpZD0ncW0hUVVFVUUvMjUxIUxvY2FsLzE1M0Bmcm9tLXF1ZXVlL24nPjwvZGl2PjxzcGFuPk5vcm1hIFBhZ2Fubzwvc3Bhbj48YnIgY2xhc3M9J2NsZWFyJy8+ en slot
    15,queuemembers= en slot
    ws send <msg data="1|ping||" />
    envio ping 2
    0,pong=0 en slot
    4,settimer=0@UP en slot 1
    4,state=UP en slot 1
    4,settext=125 device en slot 1
    4,direction=outbound en slot 1
    4,settext=915073764556 en slot 1
    4,settext=ZultysMX25/15073764556 en slot 1
    4,direction=outbound en slot 1
    ws send <msg data="1|ping||" />
    envio ping 2
    0,pong=0 en slot
    4,settimer=0@UP en slot 1
    4,state=UP en slot 1
    4,settext=915073764556 en slot 1
    4,settext=915073764556 en slot 1
    4,link=915073764556 en slot 1
    4,settimer=0@STOP en slot 1
    4,settext=&inactive_line!1 en slot 1
    4,state=DOWN en slot 1
    DOWN pero quedan sesiones, no pongo boton en free
    4,state=DOWN en slot 0
    ws send <msg data="1|ping||" />
    envio ping 2
    0,pong=0 en slot
    ws send <msg data="1|ping||" />
    envio ping 2
    0,pong=0 en slot
    ws send <msg data="1|ping||" />
    envio ping 2
    0,pong=0 en slot
    ws send <msg data="1|ping||" />
    envio ping 2
    0,pong=0 en slot
    ws send <msg data="1|ping||" />
    envio ping 2
    0,pong=0 en slot
    ws send <msg data="1|ping||" />
    envio ping 2
    0,pong=0 en slot
    ws send <msg data="1|ping||" />
    envio ping 2
    0,pong=0 en slot
    ws send <msg data="1|ping||" />
    envio ping 2
    0,pong=0 en slot
    ws send <msg data="1|ping||" />
    envio ping 2
    0,pong=0 en slot
    ws send <msg data="1|ping||" />
    envio ping 2
    0,pong=0 en slot
    4,qualify=ok en slot 0
    ws send <msg data="1|ping||" />
    envio ping 2
    0,pong=0 en slot

  12. admin

    19 May 2011 Administrator

    For everyone experience this issue, I *think* I found the cause. I will post a new beta tomorrow that you will be able to try, the problem is that the beta has a ton of new major features , so expect a ton of new bugs.

    If you want to fix it you must restart fop2 server, the problem seems to occur when asterisk is restarted while there are fop2 clients connected.

    Brief explanation of what it might be happening:

    Upon fop2 start, he order of the socket connections is this:

    1. Connection to AMI (server)
    2. [More AMI Connections on multi server]
    3. Connection to Client 1
    4. Connection to Client 2
    5. etc...

    When the connection to AMI is lost (asterisk restarted or crashed), and if you have clients connected to fop2, the order changes and you end up with this:

    1. Connection to Client 1
    2. Connection to Client 2
    3. Connetion to AMI (server)

    Now, if a new client connects, you will have 2 clients , 1 manager and a final client connection. In those cases , not sure if the first or the last connections after AMI will stop receiving updates.

    1. Connection to Client 1
    2. Connection to Client 2
    3. Connetion to AMI (server)
    4. Connection to Client 3

    Restarting fop2 server will clear the issue as the socket order is restored. The next beta includes a fix that will make all clients receive updates (it will not clear the event cache after each AMI read cycle)

  13. Hi, I'm having the same issue with fop2.20 (basic license). Could you link/email me a copy of the beta version to test out? Thanks,


  14. admin

    7 Jun 2011 Administrator ... 5-i386.tgz

  15. Thanks, that seems to have fixed the problem with fop2 stopping.

    However, there are two issues that we've noticed. One is that sometimes parked callers aren't removed from fop (we have someone who's supposedly been parked for an hour and a half, but picking up the line gives "no call parked). Sometimes it works fine thought.

    The other is that only our IAX trunk shows calls, the ZAP trunks we have constly remain green, and never show a call, despite sometimes being in use.



  16. What is the status of this? I'm having this problem too. It's basically a deal breaker if I can't get this working.

    Is the beta stable enough? I'm not looking for half baked solutions.

  17. admin

    8 Jun 2011 Administrator


    What is the status of this? I'm having this problem too. It's basically a deal breaker if I can't get this working.

    Is the beta stable enough? I'm not looking for half baked solutions.

    There are lots of issues discussed in this post, so I am not sure what is the deal breaker for you. I am sorry if you think fop2 is a half baked solution. Asterisk has tons of nasty bugs too, and I do not think it is half baked either.

    If you experience a flash client that stops updating, it is because asterisk crashes, not something else. If asterisk is stable, you will not experience the issue. If the connection with asterisk dies unexpectedly while you have flash clients connected into fop2, then you might experience the issue where some flash clients gets updates and some others do not get them. The problem is fixed if you restart fop2. If asterisk never crashes, or if you remember to restart fop2 server when you also restart asterisk, then there is no issue. Anyways, the beta fixes this, it "restarts itself" when asterisk crashes, and avoids the problem.

    Now, if your deal breaker is something else, please let me know what it is so I can work on the fix.

    Best regards,

  18. admin

    8 Jun 2011 Administrator

    However, there are two issues that we've noticed. One is that sometimes parked callers aren't removed from fop (we have someone who's supposedly been parked for an hour and a half, but picking up the line gives "no call parked). Sometimes it works fine thought.

    Parking is complicated, the park bugs are related mostly to asterisk bugs or odd cases involving masquerading, local channels, etc. They are really hard to reproduce, and when users were able to capture manager logs of the issues, most of the times is because missing or nonsense manager events related to those parked calls (like parking channel A, and then getting an unpark event for channel B). There is another case when using named parking lots (freepbx does not use them), where the unpark event does not have the parkinglot in the event itself, so fop2 tries to follow the channel life between events, but sometimes it gets lost on the masquerading madness event flow. I will probably a double check for paked calls when receiving events, polling for status and not relying on received events. So, if you want to find out why there is a ghost parked call (perhaps it is a fop2 bug too!), you must capture fop2_server debug level 1 until the problem happens, and then stop capturing and send me the capture log together with your button configuration file.

    The other is that only our IAX trunk shows calls, the ZAP trunks we have constly remain green, and never show a call, despite sometimes being in use.

    Are you using fop2admin? Did you setup the channel ranges in fop2 buttons? You must do it in order to see status.

    Best regards,

  19. Hi,

    What is the status of this? I'm having this problem too. It's basically a deal breaker if I can't get this working.

    Is the beta stable enough? I'm not looking for half baked solutions.

    There are lots of issues discussed in this post, so I am not sure what is the deal breaker for you. I am sorry if you think fop2 is a half baked solution. Asterisk has tons of nasty bugs too, and I do not think it is half baked either.

    If you experience a flash client that stops updating, it is because asterisk crashes, not something else. If asterisk is stable, you will not experience the issue. If the connection with asterisk dies unexpectedly while you have flash clients connected into fop2, then you might experience the issue where some flash clients gets updates and some others do not get them. The problem is fixed if you restart fop2. If asterisk never crashes, or if you remember to restart fop2 server when you also restart asterisk, then there is no issue. Anyways, the beta fixes this, it "restarts itself" when asterisk crashes, and avoids the problem.

    Now, if your deal breaker is something else, please let me know what it is so I can work on the fix.

    Best regards,

    The problem is FOP2 is not updating. Has nothing to do with Asterisk which is running properly while this is happening. If I am on a call via a trunk FOP2 still shows the extension and trunk as free unless I refresh my browser. Then when the call ends I need to refresh the browser to have it update the status again. That's a deal breaker if I can't get that working properly.

    But sometimes it works. So it's intermittent and not likely a configuration issue.

  20. admin

    8 Jun 2011 Administrator

    Hi mustardman,

    Restarting fop2_server will fix the issue. The problem happens ONLY if asterisk is restarted while fop2_server is still running AND you have a flash client connected.

    Imagine this scenario, you boot the machine:

    asterisk starts
    fop2 starts
    some fop2 client connects via web

    everything is fine and dandy

    suddenly asterisk crashes

    fop2_server is still running
    fop2 client is still connected, and it will not see updates, as asterisk is GONE

    safe_asterisk relaunches asterisk

    at that point, your old connected flash client will not receive updates, but newer fop2 client connections will.

    restarting fop2_server fixes the issue. It is a bug in the way fop2 handles asterisk disconnections, and the problem is addressed already in the beta, and will be rolled out on the next version. But it only occurs when asterisk is restarted or dies, without restarting fop2_server.

    Try it, instead of hitting F5 in your browser when you notice the problem, just restart fop2 server

    service fop2 restart

    and the problem will be gone.

    Best regards,

  21. Hi mustardman,

    Restarting fop2_server will fix the issue. The problem happens ONLY if asterisk is restarted while fop2_server is still running AND you have a flash client connected.

    Imagine this scenario, you boot the machine:

    asterisk starts
    fop2 starts
    some fop2 client connects via web

    everything is fine and dandy

    suddenly asterisk crashes

    fop2_server is still running
    fop2 client is still connected, and it will not see updates, as asterisk is GONE

    safe_asterisk relaunches asterisk

    at that point, your old connected flash client will not receive updates, but newer fop2 client connections will.

    restarting fop2_server fixes the issue. It is a bug in the way fop2 handles asterisk disconnections, and the problem is addressed already in the beta, and will be rolled out on the next version. But it only occurs when asterisk is restarted or dies, without restarting fop2_server.

    Try it, instead of hitting F5 in your browser when you notice the problem, just restart fop2 server

    service fop2 restart

    and the problem will be gone.

    Best regards,

    I hope you are not suggesting that requiring us to restart the service is your permanent solution. This happens quite often and your suggestion is a non-starter. You must not use FreePBX where Asterisk restarts happen every time you make a change via the GUI which happens all the time. What is the permanent solution and when can I expect it? Otherwise I may have to go back to FOP1

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