I'm using the latest version of everything
Fop 2.27 / FopAdmin 1.0 / FreePBX
Using the latest versions I'm having a problem with creation of the Queue Channel field. In FopAdmin/functions-freepbx.php the following code is setting the stateInterface to be USER/extension.
188 if ($conf['EXTENSIONS'] == "deviceanduser") {
189 $fields="extension,concat('USER/',extension) AS dial, if(voicemail='novm','',concat(extension,'@',voicemail)) AS mailbox,name,IF(voicemail<>'novm',concat('$vmprefix',extension),'') AS extenvoicemail";
That causes the queue members to be invalid since it doesn't actually exist as a state interface. Changing "concat('USER/',extension) AS dial" to just "dial" fixes the problem.
I am using deviceanduser mode. If USER/ should be a stateinterface on FreePBX I may have to look into that instead. This system has been upgraded through many versions of FreePBX and may have missed something during one.
There's also a problem where it's duplicating the queue fields but I haven't tracked that one down yet. An example entry in the database(After I corrected the USER/) is below. Most fields are just duplicated but Penalty is 0 and 60. It should just be 60.