

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Tue May 29 21:30:13 2018
    paul.carrero started the conversation Phantom queue call.

    We have on multiple occasions seen (when I say multiple, I mean this happens every day) an issue where a user in a queue shows that he is on a call, when in fact, said user is not on a call. This happens to multiple different users, also to different queues. This is freepbx v14 with newest FOP2.

  2. Thu May 24 14:20:57 2018
    paul.carrero started the conversation Presence pause sync with *46 pause.

    Is there any way to have the presence on FOP2 update to show paused when dialing the feature code from a phone *46 (freepbx) to pause from all queues? management is asking for a pause button on the phone and have this show paused in fop2 in said person's presence status dropdown.

  3. Sat Apr 28 00:32:39 2018

    Not trying to resurrect a very old thread, but is there a way to force FOP2 to use state_interface hint:XXX@ext-local when adding members to queues? right now on fpbx v14 with a pjsip extension, it's adding as state_interface PJSIP/XXX

  4. Wed Jan 3 21:18:57 2018
    paul.carrero joined the forum.