Last active 6 years ago
lang['incoming_call'] = 'Appels entrants'; lang['connecting_server'] = 'Tentative de connexion au serveur #'; lang['from_queue'] = "File d\'attente:"; lang['number'] = "Numéro:"; lang['name'] = "Nom:"; lang['dial'] = 'Appeler'; lang['transfer_vmail'] = 'Transfert vers la messagerie vocale'; lang['transfer_external'] = 'Transfert vers mobile'; lang['attendant_transfer'] = 'Transfert'; lang['blind_transfer'] = 'Transfert aveugle'; lang['spy'] = 'Écouter'; lang['whisper'] = 'Écouter & Chuchoter'; lang['pickup'] = "Prise d\'appel "; lang['hangup'] = 'Raccrocher '; lang['filter'] = 'Filtrer'; lang['enter_sec_code'] = 'Entrer le code de sécurité '; lang['exten'] = 'Extension:'; lang['password'] = 'Mot de passe:'; lang['confirm_hangup'] = 'Confirmer raccrochage'; lang['areyousure'] = 'Êtes-vous sûr ?'; lang['yes'] = 'Oui'; lang['no'] = 'Non'; lang['paused'] = 'Pause'; lang['set_information'] = 'Information'; lang['member_of'] = 'Membre du '; lang['not_available'] = 'No disponible'; lang['not_connect'] = 'Impossible de se connecter au serveur '; lang['one_moment'] = 'Un instant s\'il vous plaît '; lang['no_results'] = 'Aucun résultat trouvé '; lang['toggle_lock'] = 'Verrouiller / Déverrouiller Conférence'; lang['toggle_muteall'] = 'Couper le son pour tous'; lang['available'] = 'Disponible'; lang['phonebook'] = 'Annuaire téléphonique'; lang['toggle_mute'] = 'Couper le son'; lang['kick'] = 'Éjecter'; lang['record'] = 'Enregistrement de l\'appel '; lang['presence_noti'] = 'Présence de Notification'; lang['queues'] = "Files d\'attente:"; lang['extensions'] = 'Extensions'; lang['trunks'] = 'Liens'; lang['conferences'] = 'Conférences'; lang['other'] = 'Autre'; lang['enter_state'] = 'Entrez la valeur'; lang['parkingslots'] = 'Salle d\'attente'; lang['ringgroups'] = 'Groupe d\'appel'; lang['enter_reg_code'] = 'Entrez le code d\'enregistrement:'; lang['reg_code'] = 'Code d\'enregistrement:'; lang['reg_name'] = 'Nom d\'enregistrement:'; lang['remove_member'] = 'Retirer le membre '; lang['remove_member_from'] = 'Retirer le membre de '; lang['pause_member'] = 'Suspendre le membre'; lang['unpause_member'] = 'Sortir de pause le membre'; lang['add_member'] = 'Adhérer à '; lang['pickup_call'] = 'Prise d\'appel'; lang['email_user'] = 'Envoyer un e-mail'; lang['send_sms'] = 'Envoyer des SMS'; lang['message'] = 'Message:'; lang['sending'] = 'Envoi en cours...'; lang['noResponse'] = 'Aucune réponse.'; lang['chat'] = 'Chat'; lang['notlogged'] = 'L\'utilisateur n\'est pas connecté. Enregistrement du message.'; lang['me'] = 'Moi'; lang['clearchat'] = 'Effacer la fenêtre du chat'; lang['note'] = 'Message'; lang['toggle_sound'] = 'Basculer le son'; lang['says'] = 'dit'; lang['agents'] = 'Agents: %d'; lang['calls'] = 'Appels en attente: %d'; lang['call_connected'] = 'Appel connecté'; lang['changeDisplayType'] = 'Changement d\'affichage'; lang['voicemail'] = 'Boite Vocale'; lang['vmail_new'] = 'Nouveaux'; lang['vmail_old'] = 'Anciens'; lang['vmail_work'] = 'Travail'; lang['vmail_family'] = 'Famille'; lang['vmail_friends'] = 'Amis'; lang['vmail_number'] = 'No.'; lang['vmail_date'] = 'Date'; lang['vmail_callerid'] = 'ID appelant'; lang['vmail_duration'] = 'Durée'; lang['preferences'] = 'Préférences'; lang['summary'] = 'Résumé'; lang['detailed'] = 'Détaillé'; lang['inactive_line'] = 'Ligne %d inactive'; lang['inuse'] = '%d lignes utilisées'; lang['vmail_count'] = '%d nouveaux , %d anciens'; lang['logout'] = 'Fermer la session'; lang['NOTONLINE'] = 'L\'utilisateur est déconnecté'; lang['NOWONLINE'] = 'L\'utilisateur est maintenant en ligne'; lang['prefSounds'] = 'Sons'; lang['prefDisplay'] = 'Affichage'; lang['labelSoundChat'] = 'Sons du chat'; lang['labelSoundQueue'] = 'Son des files d\'attente'; lang['labelSoundRing'] = 'Sonnerie'; lang['labelDisplayQueue'] = 'Voir la file d\'attente par défaut'; lang['labelDisplayDynamicLine'] = 'Affichage de la ligne dynamique'; lang['labelDisplayNotifyDuration'] = 'Durée de notification'; lang['labelDisplayLanguage'] = 'Langue'; lang['close'] = 'Fermer'; lang['recordings'] = 'Enregistrements'; lang['cdrrecords'] = 'Historique des appels'; lang['no_actions_available'] = 'Aucune action disponibles'; // Internationalization strings DATE dateFormat.i18n = { dayNames: [ "Dim", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Jeu", "Ven", "Sam", "Dimanche", "Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi" ], monthNames: [ "Jan ","Fév ","Mars","Avr ","Mai ","Juin","Juil","Août","Sep ","Oct ","Nov ","Déc ", "Janvier","Février","Mars","Avril","Mai","Juin","Juillet","Août","Septembre","Octobre","Novembre","Décembre" ] };
Is it possible to use the "app-queue-toggle" macro when adding or removing members from queue with FOP2 ?
It would be a great feature because this macro allows to use BLF buttons to log in/out from queue and to see if the user is logged or not in the queue (the blf button is blinking on the phone when logged in). I know that app-queue-toggle use device state, and that the user log in/out with this dialplan : *45ddd*qqq where ddd is the device number and qqq is the queue number.
I've found the issue...
I was modifying the script in /usr/src (as i mentionned in my first post) instead of /usr/local
Problem solved.
I'm not sure to understand your reply.
My fop2.cfg was not modified. This is the original fop2.cfp after installtion fop2.23.
As I said, when I'm execute on SSH, the STDOUT shows buttons sorted alphabetically.
When I go in FOP2 (web), my buttons are sorted by extension, not by label.
This is not a browser cache issue, because I clear my cache, I tried with another browser, and I tried on another PC, the result is the same.
I'm aware that this seems to be impossible, because fop2 use autoconfig-buttons-freepbx.cfg in order to load the buttons list, but the result is not the same in the console and in fop2....
By the way, you're takling about an "autoconfiguration" setting in fop2. I don't see such parameter. What parameter is this ?
Since the update to Fop2.23, I cannot sort FOP2's buttons alphabetically.
After the update, I've modified /usr/src/fop2/server/, like I did with FOP2.21 :
Replace the "ORDER" statement in mysql queries : [code]ORDER BY type, label[/code] instead of [code]ORDER BY type, (exten+0)[/code]
When I execute, buttons are sorted alphabetically in the console, but they are not in FOP2.
I tried restarting fop2_server, but this didn't help.
Do you have a clue ?
Thank you, everything is OK now.
Thank you for the update, it works now !
I thought that this was impossible, but i tried ;)
Thank you for your quick answer. It's really appreciated.
When I run, i can see the "external=xxxx" and everything seems to be correct. By the way, i'm not sure to understand what does, because, as far as I see, it only display the config.
I think that fop2 call that file in order to get its config, but i'm not sure and i didn't see where this call is made...
I can try to update fop2 to latest version, but where can i fing any update documentation ? Last time I updated my fop2 (2.20 to 2.21), i completely reinstall my fop2 because i didn't find update instructions.