Last active 7 years ago
Disregard -- the correct syntax was in my previous post
For some reason it didn't work on the first try; probably a typo
These didn't work for me:
I found the entry in the operator.css file to increase the spacing of the action buttons and I have located the PNG files for them in images/toolbar/
I have increased the size of the button graphics and that seems to work, but they now overlap the bottom of the toolbar area at the top of the screen.
Is there a better way to increase the button size besides directly increasing the size of the graphic?
How do I make the toolbar space at the top also increase in size?
callevents=yes is set.
Before the next MeetMe conference I will do a fop2_server -X 3 and send you the output.
EDIT: changed "post here" to "send you"
I get the same behavior with lingering MeetMe users visible after the conference has ended. We are using SIP transfers. We have version 2.20
Will it be possible to support SIP transfers to conferences and parking lots or will I have to retrain the users to use the native asterisk transfer methods?
This is a good idea.
The inability to know who is using the Spy and Record features is what prevents me from deploying it to my users.
I would also like the option to disable the animations.
Check this post: View Post 627
I think I have the opposite problem - the computers I am using are so new that the video cards have all sorts of advanced features -- and the Flash command to draw the dropdown box is probably trying to use every one of them. I'll play around with the graphics settings and see if that can speed things up.
Meanwhile, the option to disable the hangup confirmation would be a nice feature.
Keep up the good work!
Frink Labs
I have tried Opera, Firefox, Internet Exploder and Chrome with this, and they are all the same (on this computer).
When I click on the Hangup button, the drop-down box that contains the Yes/No confirmation is SSSLLLOOOWW to drop.
I'd like to either get rid of the confirmation altogether or change the method used to make the dialog show up from complicated-dropdown-fade-in to simple-appear-disappear.
I was looking at the modalbox.js file. Am I close?