Transfer to Queue Failes with Hangup

  1. 10 years ago
    Edited 10 years ago by joe1981alAPR

    Having an issue with transfering to queues from FOP2.

    Asterisk 11 on FreePBX Distro 5.211.65-15 with FOP2 2.28

    Getting this in Asterisk log.

    [2014-08-21 14:01:15] WARNING[22364][C-00000116]: pbx.c:6646 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'Local/6001@from-queue-00000011;2' sent to invalid extension but no invalid handler: context,exten,priority=from-queue-exten-only,6001,1

    This is FOP2 AMI command being executed.            -> Action: Redirect            -> Channel: SIP/5004-000000c2            -> Exten: 6001            -> Context: from-queue            -> Priority: 1            -> Async: True            <- Response: Success            <- Message: Redirect successful

    I followed the trail and the "from-queue" context is for the queue to originate a call to an extension, not for putting a call into the queue. I updated the database table fop2buttons and set context for the queue buttons to "ext-queues" and the transfer works as expected.

    Just wanted to put this out there so it could possibly be fixed or so that others could fix this if they have the same problem.

  2. admin

    21 Aug 2014 Administrator

    You are right, the context should be from-internal. It is a bug in the fop2manger.

    Look at the /var/www/html/fop2/admin/functions-freepbx.php file aournd line 360:

        $fpbx_version = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/','',freepbx_get_version());
        if($fpbx_version <= 260) {
        } else {

    Replace all of that with just:


    That should fix the problem for newly created buttons. For your existing ones, you will have to update the fop2buttons table and update the context field, something like this:

    mysql -u root -p asterisk -e "UPDATE fop2buttons SET context='from-internal' WHERE type='queue'
  3. Edited 10 years ago by CoreyFlies

    I had this problem, but when I looked in functions-freepbx.php, I saw that the code block above was already commented out, and the $context="from-internal"; line was already added above it. Maybe I downloaded 2.28 after you found and fixed that bug, but I still had the issue. What I was missing was the database update. Thanks for the info.

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