Updated Asterisk and FreePBX broke buttons

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 14 years ago

    Yeah sorry about that...

    Anyways what I was trying to say was that I logged into fop2 under the extension 6910. Called from an outside line to extension 6920. Tried to pickup 6920 it dialed 6910 instead. Anyways will check asterisk log. I don't see how my contexts would get mis-configured since I did not change any fop2 files since you had last got it running for me.

    If problem consists I will do as you suggested and start a new post from the Usage forums, thanks once again.

  3. admin

    28 Dec 2009 Administrator

    Anyways what I was trying to say was that I logged into fop2 under the extension 6910. Called from an outside line to extension 6920. Tried to pickup 6920 it dialed 6910 instead.

    So, you saw 6920 ringing when logged as 6910, so you clicked on 6920 and 6910 rang? That is what it is supposed to happen, 6910 will start ringing and 6920 will stop ringing, as the call was actually "redirected" from 6920 to 6910.. if you pickup 6910 you will be connected to the one that dialed from the outside in the 1st place.

    Maybe you might want to explain what do you expect to happen, or what is your intention, with your own words...?

  4. , you saw 6920 ringing when logged as 6910, so you clicked on 6920 and 6910 rang? That is what it is supposed to happen, 6910 will start ringing and 6920 will stop ringing, as the call was actually "redirected" from 6920 to 6910.. if you pickup 6910 you will be connected to the one that dialed from the outside in the 1st place.

    Maybe you might want to explain what do you expect to happen, or what is your intention, with your own words...?

    No, when I highlighted 6920 and clicked pickup 6910 started ringing as well as 6920, it never got "redirected"... I know how it was working, and its not functioning like it was. The logs show me nothing... asterisks log only shows when I hung up 6910 never showed the extension ringing or anything after I clicked the pickup button. So I have no idea why when extension 6920 rings and I go to pickup the call instead it rings the extension that I am logged into without "redirecting" the call. Also I have redirected the output from the debug to a .log (plain text) file. Will not post here it is very long, but shows no failures?

    But nothing seems to be working correctly, before I could highlight an extension and dial it and that extension would ring, or if an extension were ringing I could highlight it and click pickup and answer the call and transfer it to voice mail... none of these are working anymore.

    You said when I highlight an extension and click dial that my extension should ring and forward me to the extension that I am trying to dial after I pick it up. If this is how its suppose to work then that does work correctly. But am still left to why the call pickup isn't redirecting the call and just dialing my extension while leaving the other extension ringing. Wouldn't it ring my extension and stop ringing the extension that I am trying to pickup, instead of ringing both extensions?

  5. admin

    29 Dec 2009 Administrator

    The original ringing extension was ringing on the first place, is not the pickup button that makes that extension to ring as it was ringing before, right? Maybe pickup stopped working for you, perhaps for the reason I mention (about the call pickup application change in behaviour where you can only pickup calls from the same dialplan context).

    If you use fop2 beta, that nuance is solved by using the PICKUPMARK variable to match the ringing extension disregarding the context.

    Anyways, if that is the problem, you will see in the Asterisk full log a line entry saying that it cannot find any mathing channel on contexto FOO or whatever. You have to look at the asterisk logs now, not at fop2 logs.

    I am sorry that now your config is broken again.. I helped you for free the other day, left you with a full working seteup. And if fop2 config is the same, it should still work. But it was not the same as it seems you changed the context to from-internal, etc. And this endless list of logs and post is nothing but confusing really.

    Please try to look at the asterisk logs, and try to find the corresponding log lines that will point you in the right direction to fix the problems you are having. You might want to use the fop2_server from the beta that is available for your platform and try the pickup again, but before doing blind moves, you might want to check the logs and find the corresponding errors or warnings there... maybe it is not that problem but another asterisk misocnfiguration.

    Best regards,

  6. thanks alot for your help. You have left me with the context = from-internal and it worked (I know this because I backed up your files immediately after you had gotten it working for me, those are the files I am still using). Maybe an asterisk misconfiguration like you have stated that changed its context from within asterisk not fop resulting in a "misuse" of context. I will try the beta version fop2_server
    yesterday I had tried to install the beta version but had gotten some errors:

    service fop2 start
    Starting Flash Operator Panel 2: Can't load '/tmp/par-root/cache-f7eb787270f21cccc1fc58fb4e333050fc915c51/ab48145e.so' for module Filter::Crypto::Decrypt: libcrypto.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/DynaLoader.pm line 230.
    at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/PAR/Heavy.pm line 109
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /tmp/par-root/cache-f7eb787270f21cccc1fc58fb4e333050fc915c51/inc/lib/Filter/Crypto/Decrypt.pm line 37.
    Compilation failed in require at script/fop2_server.pl line 1.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at script/fop2_server.pl line 1.

    any ideas?
    can I just copy over the fop2_server file?

  7. well still get that error trying to start the beta even after just coping that file.

    Check the asterisk logs nothing shows up with errors about context or for that matter any errors at all.

    I am thinking of keeping your fop2 files (the backups I have) and killing the server and starting over.

    Maybe then I can get this fixed if it is an asterisk configuration issue.

  8. admin

    30 Dec 2009 Administrator

    The beta your are trying its porbably not for the same linux distribution/platform (32 or 64 bits, centos or debian, etc). What did you download? What distribution were you using?

  9. I am running AsteriskNOW, centos 64 bit maybe because I am running 64-bit had a problem with the free fax from diguim because I am running 64 bit as well.

    I have downloaded this one...

  10. admin

    30 Dec 2009 Administrator

    For centos 64 bits the correct download is this one:


    Best regards,

  11. Thanks for the new link! Will try it out.

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