Limit what functions can be used per extension

  1. 14 years ago

    Is there a way to limit what functions can be used per extension?

    Example. I want Ext. 6000 to be able to listen to calls on Ext. 6001 but not be able to listen to calls on Ext. 6002.

  2. admin

    15 Dec 2009 Administrator

    No, you cannot limit actions that way right now.

    The next version has a privacy option that can be set to any button that lets you prevent that button from being monitored (chanspy, monitor to disk) and the clid or dialed number will be also hidden.

    By using panel contexts you can have different permissions for the same extension, but they will apply to all buttons.

    Best regards,

  3. Those new features sound great. Do you have a release date? Do you need beta testers?

  4. admin

    16 Dec 2009 Administrator

    If you use centos 32 bits, you can download the latest beta from

    Crash course on new features:

    In fop2.cfg:

    For defining group of buttons/channels, you can assign a group to a user so he can only see that group.

    You can assign groups to a user after the permissions. If no group is specified it will show all buttons.

    New permissions:

    queue: for letting the user manipulate queue members (Add/remove/pause)
    phonebook: for granting access to the phonebook

    In the button definition:

    not related to the user groups, this will just group visually the extensions on their own box.

    privacy=all | clid | monitor
    For limiting that button from being spied/monitored or displaying clid or both

    (for freepbx 2.6, context for the queue members when using Local, if different than the regular extension context)

    So you can originate calls to your dialplan instead of the channel, so you can use autoanswer features for the phone, having something like this in freepbx:

    exten => _X.,1,Goto(ext-intercom,*80${EXTEN},1)

    For setting the channel you want to use for adding a queue member if different from the main channel.

    There are several other features that I am forgetting, but you get the idea.

    Best regards,

  5. After upgrading to the latest beta I can see all the extensions buttons, but no any actions. They all always green, even disconnected, and no calls displayed.
    Also, no permissions defined in FreePBX (in VM Options field) works. All users has full control (all buttons active).
    What could be wrong?

  6. As usual, it's just mistake made through lack of attention. I'm use different Manager credentials for FOP2. And after reinstall new fop2.cfg reverted it to FOP2's defaults.
    After changing credentials it works as usual.
    Sorry, my mistake.

  7. have just tried installing beta but when I try to start I get this:

    service fop2 start
    Starting Flash Operator Panel 2: Can't load '/tmp/par-root/cache-f7eb787270f21cccc1fc58fb4e333050fc915c51/' for module Filter::Crypto::Decrypt: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 230.
    at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/PAR/ line 109
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /tmp/par-root/cache-f7eb787270f21cccc1fc58fb4e333050fc915c51/inc/lib/Filter/Crypto/ line 37.
    Compilation failed in require at script/ line 1.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at script/ line 1.

    any ideas?

  8. Hi Nicolás,

    If you use centos 32 bits, you can download the latest beta from

    Is it possible to have this new features on etch/lenny beta releases ? I can use groups in buttons.conf for display extensions in many boxes but I can't use groups in fop2.cfg for rights and privacy function. If you update etch beta release, please make attention to perl problems because I can't install lenny beta release anymore.

    Best regards,


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