Getting SCCP extensions (chan_sccp) to appear and be usable.
Getting SCCP extensions (chan_sccp) to appear and be usable.
Anyone have any luck getting SCCP extensions to appear? I have tried adding them manually to the buttons.cfg, and by modifying the to parse the extensions from sccp.conf, but can't get them to appear.
If you can give me ssh access to your machine or some machine with SCCP I can try to find out if it would be possible to make them appear and work. You can send me a private message or contact me via the live help.
Best regards,
Did anything ever come of this Nicolás?
You could build the buttons from the "Table devices in database asterisk" the tech feild will = custom and dial will = SCCP/EXTNUMBER
This will work as long as your using the context from-internal
# SCCP EXTENSIONS mysql -ENB -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS -h $DBHOST $DBNAME -e "select concat('SCCP/',extension) as channel,extension,name as label,concat(,'@default') as mailbox,'from-internal' as context,concat('*',,'@default') as extenvoicemail from users as u left join devices as s1 on and'custom' left join devices as s2 on where s2.dial LIKE 'SCCP/%' order by extension" | sed '/\*\*/d' | sed 's/: /=/g' | while read LINEA do echo $LINEA | sed 's/channel=\(.*\)/\n[\1]\ntype=extension/g' done