FOP2 running but cannot login

  1. 12 years ago

    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -t
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - Valid License (1)
    Connection to manager OK!

    Error msg: Response "System is not available right now"

  2. admin

    13 Mar 2012 Administrator

    Please check this site: ... tep/View/4

  3. Go through the guide but still having issue of login. My OS is using CentOS 6

    Inside the /usr/local/fop2 folder contains below files

    • rw-r--r-- 1 root root 36 Mar 9 09:47 autobuttons.cfg
    • rwxr-x--x 1 root root 8669 Mar 9 09:47
    • rwxr-x--x 1 root root 3097 Mar 9 09:47
    • rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1126 Mar 9 09:47 buttons.cfg.sample
    • rw-r--r-- 1 root root 123 Mar 9 09:47 extensions_override_freepbx.conf
    • rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3001 Mar 9 09:47
    • rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6477 Mar 14 08:59 fop2.cfg
    • rw-r--r-- 1 root root 129 Mar 9 10:12 fop2.lic
    • rwxr-x--x 1 root root 8435030 Mar 9 09:47 fop2_server
    • rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7168 Mar 9 10:11 fop2settings.db
    • rwxr-x--x 1 root root 8219 Mar 9 09:47
    • rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11817 Mar 9 10:10 NEWFOPoHd8Bz
    • rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6934 Mar 9 09:47
    • rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6271 Mar 9 09:47

    This file NEWFOPoHd8Bz is generate from FreePBX FOP2 admin.

  4. admin

    15 Mar 2012 Administrator

    The loca files are not relevant. The troubleshooter tells you to check 3 things:

    1) that fop2 server is running

    pgrep fop2

    it must return a pid number.

    2) that is binding to port 4445 and that port 4445 is not filtered or blocked in a firewall

    netstat -lnp | grep fop2

    to verify port binding, you cannot check network firewalls on the same machine, you can check if you have iptables firewall rules with the command

    iptables -vnL

    If you see a bunch of rules, be sure you have one allowing tcp port 4445

    3) that the flash player is installed and not blocked on your browser. Try with another browser, disable flashblock/adblock, etc.

    You did not provide any feedback on what you tried or did, so I cannot help you further. I am almost copying verbatim the troubleshooter guide, please TRY EACH and tell us what are your results.

  5. I have the same issue, but I just noticed using internet explorer on the same machine works while firefox does not anymore.

    I am pretty certain firefox just did an update :( firefox version is 11.0 on Windose 7, I made sure all add-ons are up to date, disabled every one of the add-ons and still see the same issue.

    So I am led to believe this is a browser specific issue rather than FOP2 issue.

    Now for my little plug! I love FOP2, as a home user with a lot of extensions I can see what is going on, whom is using and doing what.. This is a great addition to my home VOIP solution..

  6. admin

    15 Mar 2012 Administrator


    Perhaps adobe flash was not updated with the recent Firefox update? Flash installation is independant from browser to browser, be sure to check that out.

    I am not running Firefox 11 so I cannot tell you for sure, another option would be that Firefox 11 is using some kind of problematic websocket implementation, in that case you can edit /var/www/html/fop2/js/presence.js and set disableWebsockets to true.

    Best regards,

  7. I made sure before posting the Flash was up to date, of which it was not :) Still the same, I will try your suggestion and see if it helps.

  8. Ok, I did the edit and rebooted the server, same issue. I am not that worried about it, I can use Internet Exploiter to access the server.

  9. We also have seen our (previously working) FOP2 installation completely borked by FF 11. Updating to most recent Adobe Flash 11 does not fix the problem. Users can log in with Chrome (version unknown) or IE 8/9, or FF 10 or earlier, but not FF 11. We are currently running FOP 2.24, I haven't tried 2.25 yet.

    Also, almost all of my machines are W7 (mostly Pro), and I also have a Win XP machine that has the same problem. Unknown as to whether or not Vista works.

  10. So it would seem firefox is the issue since the 11.0 upgrade. I wonder wht they changed to make it do this..

  11. admin

    16 Mar 2012 Administrator

    Did anyone of you using Firefox 11 tried disabling websockets in /var/www/html/fop2/js/presence.js ?

  12. admin

    16 Mar 2012 Administrator

    Ok, I have the opportunity to try Firefox 11, and in fact is a websocket implementation issue. For now, you must disable websockets in fop2 presence.js file to make it work with Firefox 11.

    I have already fixed the issue in my fop2 trunk version, so the next Fop2 release will work with websockets in Firefox 11.

    Websockets is a moving target, specification changes every week/month, browsers are implementing different versions all the time. If you want to stay current with the latest browser, for now it would be wiser to disable websockets on fop2. If you want to have the latest versiones of everthing, you shuld expect this kind of issues with every browser version release, until the websockets specifications stabilizes and the dust settles a bit.

  13. Interesting, I did change it to disablewebsockets=true and it was the same... let me try again.

  14. admin

    16 Mar 2012 Administrator

    The file is cached on browsers, so a change will not take effect until you hard refresh the file or clear the cache. Try shift-reload or ctrl-reload on the fop2 page, or load the file by hand


    Read it, do you see the change? No? Try shift-reload.. do you see it? Yes, then log back into fop2 with shift-reload.

  15. Confirmed on my end, it is now working. here is a screen shot of the edited file..



    And I thought I would show my integration of the link in freepbx :)

  16. Wow, don't I feel like a complete idiot... lol

    Thank you, that worked out great... working like it was before.

    I used to like Firefox, but it seems to be getting worse with every release anymore! maybe it is just me?

  17. admin

    16 Mar 2012 Administrator

    Firefox is a memory hog, and more so with every new release. But still is my preferred platform for developing/debugging web applications.

    As an every day browser I personally like Google Chrome better.

    But both browsers are riding the websocket rollercoaster now, so you might expect issues with fop2 or any other websocket enabled server.

  18. That make life easier for you than huh? lol

    Hey, I do have another question. I have 4 trunks within freePBX. FOP2 is only showing 2 of them, all 4 are configured and in use.
    1 trunk is for international - FlowRoute (showing)
    2 trunks are for Local Long distance - Sipstation (only 1 showing)
    1 trunk is a rollover for international - VoipVoip (not showing)

    Any thoughts on this? FreePBX shows them all there and running, I can use them, just not showing up in FOP2 up until a couple of days ago. Only thing happened is a few updates on freePBX side.

    UPDATE NOTICE: There are 8 modules available for online upgrades
    core (current:
    queues (current:
    recordings (current:
    bulkextensions (current:
    bulkdids (current:
    backup (current:
    framework (current:
    findmefollow (current:

  19. Interesting, I found if I have a Queue working, it knocks the trunks off the list. Is there a maximum display setting that is stopping them from showing? it would seem the more info there is on the right side, the less trunks get shown.

  20. admin

    16 Mar 2012 Administrator

    The lite (free) version has a limit of 15 buttons. The registered version does not have any limits.

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