Download recording 'no way'

  1. 12 years ago

    When I try to download a recording by clicking the down arrow I get an error message that says "no way". Am I missing a permission? My user has the admin permission.

  2. admin

    20 Jan 2012 Administrator


    Be sure your php sessions are working correctly. In trixbox php sessions are broken in a default installation, there is a post in fop2 blog on how to fix that. Not sure if you are using trixbox or not..

    Best regards,

  3. Hi,

    Be sure your php sessions are working correctly. In trixbox php sessions are broken in a default installation, there is a post in fop2 blog on how to fix that. Not sure if you are using trixbox or not..

    Best regards,


    We are using Trixbox (v2.6.2.3) and memcache was running when I checked just now. What I gather from [url=]the blog entry[/url:1qwcmg7a] is that even if memcache is running that sometimes memcache just doesn't do sessions right. I am checking with our provider now to make sure they are okay with us turning off memcache based php sessions.


    Elijah Lynn

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