Status icons between extensions and queues

  1. 13 years ago


    Would it be possible to make the icons in the queues/extensions more consistent? For instance if someone uses the panel to set them selves DND/Break/Etc could the icon in the queue change to DND as well?


  2. 12 years ago


    30 Sep 2011 Administrator

    It might seem that such a view is more consistent but it is really not. A queue member is a separate entity than the device, you could have situations where a phone is in DND via dialplan, but as a queue member is not honoring such state, etc. There is no direct relation between a device dnd state and a queue member mode. It could be directly related, or it could be not.

    For that reason, the only states that you will see in the queue icons themselves are the ones that are inherent/part of the queue application itself (only pause, busy, available, unavailable). Even wrapup is not always advertised in AMI, so it is also a state that is difficult to reflect.

    Best regards,

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