Web Browser Inactive = FOP2 dies

  1. 13 years ago


    Here is what happens....
    I start my PC, open browser (IE8), open fop2 application and see the panel running...
    I leave the PC unattended for about 4 hours.
    Then if I make a test call, FOP2 seems dead.... does not show any activity.

    config.php has the following:

    ini_set("session.cookie_lifetime", "0");    // conservar session hasta que se cierre el navegador
    ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime", 60*60*24); // duracion maxima de la session

    If this is an expected behavior, how can I keep FOP2 alive for 24 hours ?
    If not, where should I start debugging ?

    fop2 is installed on TB ISO install (CentOS)

    Thx for the continued support!

  2. admin

    27 Apr 2011 Administrator


    What fop2 version? Since version 2.10 fop2 has a keepalive pinging to the server feature. If there are no reply from fop2 server after four pings (aproximtely 40 seconds), it will refresh the page. These part is related to the client - fop2 server connection.

    But you also have the connection between fop2 server and the asterisk manager. If that connection dies, then you will not see activity. fop2 server does not have a keepalive mechanism in place, but it is generally not needed. In order to debug you will have to do two things:

    1) user google chrome as the browser and open the javascript console (to debug the client)

    2) start fop2_server in debug mode ( /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -X 15 )

    Connect with google chrome to fop2, leave it running for all the hours you say it takes to stop showing status. At that point look at the output from the fop2_server, and also the output from the javascript console in google chrome. (If you see ping/pong replies on the javascript console, then the connection between the web client and fop2 server is ok, and the problem is most probably on the server side.).

    Best regards,

  3. Thx for your detailed reply.

    I am using fop2-2.20-centos5-i386.tgz

    I will test with the JavaScript Debug console and update you.

    Thx again.

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