CLID dynamic hide

  1. 14 years ago

    My phones have 2 lines each and the button uses 3 lines for each button. I see that the trunk listing will show the call only when there is a call and at call end it just disappear.
    Can the same idea be applied to the buttons where it will show only the 1st line with the Ext number and name but when a call is in progress it will open a new line and display it. That will save 2 display lines per row fitting more button on the same screen.
    it may be annoying to some I would imagine but it should not be as bad as having to scroll the screen down to see the rest of the buttons.
    I have 51 buttons for a single operator. :( and already made the font and buttons as small as it can be read.

  2. admin

    25 Jun 2010 Administrator

    Interesting idea, but the display will be kind of "funky" with variable button heights... I will take it into account for the next release.

  3. great, indeed it may be funky but the overall benefits to those with lots of buttons may override the funkyness, perhaps it could be set on a switch one can turn it off if one doesnt have so many buttons to display. I will be waiting for the release. if you want me to beta test it let me know I have 3 customers i can try this on.

  4. 13 years ago

    Any news on this great feature :), any chance this will happen or is already there and I missed the update. :) :)

  5. admin

    12 Oct 2010 Administrator

    It is not implemented yet. But for anyone with many buttons, please take a look at the Filter box in the toolbar, it is quite good for filtering out when you have many buttons and want to see a particular one.

  6. admin

    12 Oct 2010 Administrator

    Ok.. I went ahead and implemented it on the upcoming release. I will try to make this preference configurable per user, and in general make the other global settings that you can setup in presence.js configurable per user. Time to create the user control panel in fop2, as there are many new extra options that could be setup that way: sound alarms, extension display types, queue display type, etc.

    Best regards,

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