Transfer, Spy, etc, Buttons missing

  1. 14 years ago

    All the buttons that were at the top have disappeared. What would cause this?

    I am using the FreePBX module to configure and have this listed under my extension:

    I still see no buttons while logging in. I have also restarted fop2 to see if that resolved the problem, but it did not. Lastly, I noticed that my extension is not showing on the interface when others are login.

    NOTE: Please note that I have discovered it is only happening on one extension. All others are fine. Here is an image:

  2. admin

    6 May 2010 Administrator

    You are loggin in with an extension that is not in the extensions view. If you do that you are not going to see the action buttons. Your extension MUST be listed in the extensions lists.

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