FOP2.10 issues

  1. 14 years ago

    Hey All,

    We have been using the FOP2 beta all OK prior to the release of 2.1 (i assume that its named 2.1 as its now release ?) all ok with FreePBX 2.7. Original install was done by following [url:23h0punv][/url:23h0punv]. We have a fully licensed version of FOP2.

    We updated FreePBX today (using the built in update section in modules) and now it seems to have broken some of the functionality.

    Editing of FOP users and groups is being done using the FreePBX module.

    When a user is a member of a fop group - logging in as that user they still see all buttons. Basically we have a group called "Call Center User" which has all queue's ticked along with the extensions (users) that are members of the call center. When going to the fop2 user section -> selecting the required user - i have then ticked the "Call Center User" group box, submitted and applied the settings. Double checking the user page afterwards shows that the box is still ticked as expected for the "Call Center User" group. Logging into the fop panel now as that user - they still see all the buttons.

    Now i thought that updating freepbx had broken something - so i removed /usr/local/fop2 and /var/www/html/fop2 - downloaded the new tarbel released on the 31st (even though it shouldnt have changed) - run through the install process [url:23h0punv][/url:23h0punv] - rebooted the box. Fop2 running but still same issue seeing all buttons.

    Now it might be important to note that when following through the original install instructions on PIAF forum post above - we have to edit the /var/lib/asterisk/bin/freepbx_engine file with the one listed in the forum post. I have tried using the newly created one (which was applied with the freepbx updates) - Asterisk and FOP2 start OK - but groups button issue. Using the one from the forum post works also - (can use amportal stop and amportal start to stop and start fop2) but still button issue.

    HELP ! :)


    Using a test system (that was built at the same time along side the devel/prod system) everything works as expected with the group members only seeing what they should. There are a few FreePBX module differences with the main ones being:
    Test System has:

    • FreePBX Core
    • FreePBX ARI Framework

    Dev/Live/Future Prod System has:

    • FreePBX Core
    • FreePBX ARI Framework

    It seems it would be the newer FreePBX modules that have broken the groups permissions working ??

  2. Should i start again using teh default freepbx_engine file that comes with CORE and only modify the files listed in the PIAF forum post that relate to the link for "Panel" ?

    Not sure how to fix this issue as i may be missing something - might remove all traces of FOP2 again tomorrow and start fresh again - although i did that today without success :(

  3. admin

    31 Mar 2010 Administrator

    Try creating a group with NO SPACES and see if works then... best regards,

  4. Just tried that - thought you were onto something - but unfortunately no go.

    I just setup a new Virtual Machine with PBX in a flash 1.4 - asterisk 1.6 and FreePBX 2.7 - updated freepbx to lastest with Module updates (as per server at clients) - installed FOP2 as per instructions [url:1183qnfw][/url:1183qnfw].

    FOP2 working all OK - only have 2 extensions, 2 queues and 1 trunk.

    Login with either user - i can see everything.
    Create group with only queues assigned to it, assign group to user 101 - login with user 101 - still see everything.
    Create group without spaces, with only queues assigned to it, assign group to user 101 - login with user 101 - still see everything.

    On older test system using FreePBX CORE version instead of latest - it seems to work all OK - i can only see what the group has assigned ... VERY weird as the freePBX core shouldn't change anything to do with FOP2 ??

  5. WAIT !!!

    My bad - it did work when creating a group without spaces.

    Awesome !!! - love your work and glad that FOP2 isn't broken on my server after all !!!

    It's one of the best asterisk plugins for sure !!


  6. admin

    31 Mar 2010 Administrator

    Good.. I will see if I can add "space" support for group names as many people will hit the same problem. Best regards,

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