Call Center Stats Blank

  1. 7 years ago

    Our Call Center Stats Pro blanked out. It was working fine this morning and now the only thing that has data is the real time tab. We have restarted the service and made sure the cron job was running. Any thoughts on what it could be?

  2. Hi! Did you check you sql database?

  3. How would I do that?

  4. Edited 7 years ago by AlexRS

    Firstly, ps -ax | grep sql. Then, if you havnt phpMyAdmin, try to connect to mysql by
    [code]mysql --user= -p --host= [database][/code]
    (fill user, host and add database from you conf) and make some selects.

    PS. may be more easy is enable debug in config.php and add printrscreen to the top..
    Sorry for my English=)

  5. We got this figured with help of the guys at Asternic. One of the services was not running so the tables were not populating.

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