multiple queues with the same operators

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by AlexRS

    Hi! I have a strange issue. I have 2 queue with identical operators (operator ......0 in up queue is the same in down queue). From time to time operators in the second queue (down on the pict) bacame orange without timer (operator ......0 in my pict). This queue is not used now, i.e. nobody call to it. When I point mouse on a operator ....0 in up queue (there he is green), I see, for example, he has taken 21 calls. If I do the same with this operator in down queue (he is orange there),he has taken 20 calls. Really from asterisk he has taken 21 calls.

    PS. It happens when operator transfer call. And from time to time call is comming to up queue, but after answer timer begins in down queue at the same operator.

    Apparently, problem was in macro + 's' in dialplan

    exten => s,1....

    it solve some problems. but not all

  2. Edited 7 years ago by AlexRS

    Second issue. queue was calling to operator .....1, but operator .....0 picked it up the call. Timer begins with both (pic).

  3. Edited 7 years ago by AlexRS

    And another one situation. Operator ....1 in up queue green and have timer. Operator ......0 In down - orange with the same timer. But there only one call that came to up queue and was picked up.

  4. admin

    19 Jan 2017 Administrator

    come to the live help, as I need to see the queue member names and other information that might be not suitable for public.

  5. Live - its gereen messagebox in down-right angle of the screen? Ok. I will

  6. Edited 7 years ago by AlexRS

    Generally, issues happens only when operators are in 2 and more the same queues.
    Try to add each of 2 operators to same queues, from first pickup call from queue, speak (sometimes after appr 10 sec timer disappears) and transfer it to the second. Repeat it a few times..

  7. Edited 7 years ago by AlexRS

    Apparently, problem was in macro + 's' in dialplan

    exten => s,1....

    it solve some problems. but not all

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