Unable to login with IPv6

  1. 7 years ago


    I can not login to FOP2 or the admin page using IPv6. It work fine if I use IPv4.

    On admin page, the page show up, but when I click on Log in, I have "Invalid credential" error.

    On FOP2 "One moment please, Connecting to server, attempt number : xxx".

    What's wrong ?
    Asterisk and FreePBX work fine with both IPv6 and IPv4.

    Best regards.

  2. admin

    1 Nov 2016 Administrator

    FOP2 does not support IPV6 currently

  3. Do you plan to do it ?

    My Datacenter is full IPv6 now, and the whole network of the company including branch offices will be IPv6 in 2017 :)

  4. I am ready to fund you to help you !

  5. admin

    8 Nov 2016 Administrator

    I will have to do it at some point, sure. First I need to setup IPV6 on some servers and test it out. IT is not deployed in my country so it is a bit complicated to test.

  6. admin

    9 Nov 2016 Administrator

    You know, FOP2 *might* work with IPV6 already, but I have never tested it.

    Edit fop2.cfg and set listen_ip to your IPV6 address, then restart FOP2 and try.

    Best regards,

  7. I will try that :) Keep you posted.

    Thank you !

  8. admin

    10 Nov 2016 Administrator

    I did a test today and the websocket connections seems to be made ok. Only problem is that you cannot have FOP2 using both ipv4 and ipv6 at the same time.

    Regarding your issues with the FOP2 Manager, you should not have any particular problems with it, its a regular php application.. The FOP2 Manager performs some regular web connections to repositories to get plugins or new version updates.

    I did not test it, will try to do it tomorrow. .. but it should not have issues..

    best regards,

  9. WORKING !!!
    With FOP2 and FOP2 Manager, IPv4 and IPv6 same time NO problems !!

    I just had to un-comment the line "listen_ip" in the fop2.cfg and add :: as the IP :

    listen_ip        =::

    The only small issue, I have "You do not have permissions to access this resoure" in the call history now, with both IPv4 and IPv6.

    Any idea ?

    You are very close to be able to say, IPv6 full supported with FOP2 :) :) :)

  10. admin

    15 Nov 2016 Administrator

    I do not think the call history session problem has to do with ipv6 or ipv4, unless you do not experience it if you enable only ipv4? For FOP2 it should be the same, sessions are set by calling a .php script via ajax, and script should work if the server accepts both ipv4 and ipv6 (the session authentication is done using ipv4 to localhost on port 4445, so if ipv4 is enabled and working, it should work fine?). Let me know if the problem only occurs on ipv6, and not with ipv4. Otherwise, you might want to edit config.php and set SESSIONDEBUG to true, then look (tail) at the file /tmp/setvar.log whenever you try to log into fop2.

  11. I have no problems to login. Everything work fine.

    I am just not able to see the call history (IPv4 and IPv6), this is the ONLY problem I see.

    I commented again the line "listen_ip =::" FOP2 restart and call history is back (IPv4 only).

    Un-commenting "listen_ip =::" then "You do not have permissions to access this resource" (IPv4 and IPv6) for the call history.

    I tried to put the IPv6 IP : "listen_ip =xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:1::14" IPv4 does not work anymore as expected, IPv6 work fine, excepted for call history "You do not have permissions to access this resource".

  12. admin

    15 Nov 2016 Administrator

    Then enable SESSIONDEBUG in config php and check the /tmp/setvar.log file for clues. PHP sessions are not being set/established.

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