
  1. 8 years ago


    The Call History is in English.
    In which file I can do the translation.


  2. admin

    28 Aug 2016 Administrator

    /var/www/html/fop2/lang/xx.php (or xx_XX.php)

  3. I see 'Call History' can not translate it. No variable for it. ;-)

  4. admin

    31 Aug 2016 Administrator

    What words are non translatable? You can add translate keywords at will on language files, you can use spanish as a reference if you do not know what key to use.

  5. I have made the translations (german) directly in callhistorybsgrid.php.
    Including a link to the telephone directory (Only for phone numbers from at least 10 numbers) ;-)

  6. admin

    6 Sep 2016 Administrator

    great you had it working.. strange thing that all strings on those php files are either set via the 'trans' function or called by the lang array, so it should be 100% translatable via translation files and not modifying the .php itself.... however to add that telephone directory search you do have to tweak the code.

    Best regards,

  7. Edited 8 years ago by Mansaylon

    If someone wants a complete German translation. Here attached.

    The phone directory ( ) can be changed in the line 338th

     $telsearch = "<a href='$onlynumber' onclick='FensterOeffnen(this.href); return false;'><img src='search.jpg' alt='Telefonbuch'></a>";

    The Image search.jpg search.jpg copy in the Callhistory directory.

    Viel Spass ;-)

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