Action Buttons not showing

  1. 9 years ago

    Only the conference button is showing after upgrading from fop2 29 beta to fop2.29.00
    Freepbx distro, Freepbx 12.
    Asterisk 12 originally, then 13, now 11. I am running Asterisk 11 because of the problems with freepbx and pjsip configuration.

    As you will see in the picture what happens. I rebooted and the same shows up.
    According to my buttons config it is set to show all buttons for this user.

    Any idea?
    If you need more info I can get it to you per your instructions.
    Gene in Virginia.

  2. admin

    1 Apr 2015 Administrator

    What you see is a result of your user permissions and configuration, and also that you must login with an extension that is also listed in the extensions buttons. You screenshot is not big enough to show what extensions are visible, if the one you used to login is not visible, then action buttons won't show up.

  3. Hello!
    I have a similar problem, nothing shows up except Extensions. Installation is made according to instructions from the site, the latest version. Platform Centos 5 + elastix 2.5.0 + freePBX 2.11

  4. admin

    8 Apr 2015 Administrator

    Hi Vladimir,

    No, you do not have the same problem at all. You are using the lite version. The lite version is limited to show 15 buttons on screen. How many do you see? 15.

    For actions buttons to show, you must login with any of the extensions listed on screen, if you log with any other, then action buttons won't appear. That is by design, explained in the documentation and FAQ.

    You do not have any problems at all, if you register you will remove the 15 buttons limit and you will see everything. If you want to see action buttons with the lite/free version, then log with an extension that you see on screen.

    Best regards,

  5. In my case, I forgot to put in what the permissions were! Once I put in "all" for permissions, the action buttions showed up. I thought I better post the solution! Even, as simple as it is.
    Thank you for your work!

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