FOP2 Asterisk 13 upgrade not showing correct information in conference or trunk

  1. 9 years ago

    FOP2 2.7 not showing correct information after upgrade from Asterisk 11 to Asterisk 13.

    After putting Asterisk 13 in place, and restarting FOP2, I received the FOP2 Connection Manager error.
    I read the posts and downloaded the most recent version of 2.7 and replaced the fop2_server binary.

    Then the FOP2 would load and open correctly. But the information being displayed was not correct
    as you will see in the picture.

    Let me know if you need more info to troubleshoot.

    This system is not a Freepbx distro and want to keep Freepbx 2.11.42 and FOP2 2.27 with Asterisk 13 if possible.
    Thank you for your work and help.

    I recently purchased another license and installed FOP2 on freepbx distro 6 updated to Asterisk 13 with freepbx 12 and all is well on that system.
    Gene in Virginia, USA

  2. You need dev version of fop2 to work with Asterisk13.

  3. It is on a Debian 64 bit installation. Freepbx 2.11
    Will the dev 2.29 work with asterisk 11 if I have to go back to using Asterisk 11?

    What is the license requirement for the dev version?
    I am currently licensed to have 2.27 with activation code dating back to May 20, 2013.

    Please forward the Debian tgz if I need to go ahead with installation.

  4. admin

    3 Mar 2015 Administrator


    Version upgrades are free for one year upon purchase, you won't be able to use 2.29 with that license. The upgrade fee is $20 (annual software maintenance from ).

    I am still making some important changes into 2.29, related to asterisk 13 and some updates to the manager. I will upload 2.29 debian tarballs today, you can use the same urls as above but replacing centos with debian. However, you will have to run it in demo mode unless you purchase the annual maintenance.

    Best regards,

  5. I have the 2.29 working on the Centos 64 bit Freepbx distro but not on the Debian 64 bit.

    I downloaded the 2.29 debian, installed it, uninstalled the old FOP2Admin, did a service fop2 restart, just to make sure it was loaded correctly, but when I try to access the panel I get what appears to be the old login screen and putting in the user name and password does nothing.
    The server test shows valid license and connection to manager OK.
    But I was not able to get the screen to load. The new version of FOP2 has the login screen in the middle
    of the screen, 2.27 has the login at the top of the screen. The login continues to be at the top of the screen as if 2.27 is still installed.

    So I install 2.28 debian over the top of the 2.29 debian and that is working except it has the same problems as 2.27 not showing the correct information in the conference or trunk area of the screen.

    If you need more info from me, I am at my computer for most of the day.
    Thank you,

  6. UPDATE--on Debian. I did finally get the 2.28 to work and it looks great! After several restarts, log offs and log back in, it finally worked right. For some reason version 2.27 was still in a cache or memory, and it finally cleared out and when the proper log in screen came up, I knew something had changed. I put in my credentials and everything worked as it is supposed to! I will try the 2.29 after you put it up publically.

    I did not do a restart of operating system or a restart of asterisk, just several restarts of fop2 and several log off, log in, log off, log in to the panel and finally it worked.

    Thank you,

  7. admin

    3 Mar 2015 Administrator

    The debian version has the newer html/js files for sure. Most probably you saw an old/cached version from your browser, but not the newer files installed from tarball. Clearing your browser cache should have fixed that issue and showed you the newer login et all.

    I am online at the live help now if you want to chat.

    Best regards,

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