Client Continues to Receive Messages After Logout

  1. 9 years ago

    We have noticed that occasionally when the user logs out of the FOP2 server but leaves the browser open, that he continues to get messages from the server. He tells us that he hears the ringing sound when a queue call is received.

    I checked the FOP2 server log and verified that the close message was received by the server.

    One thing I noticed is when I attempt to replicate the problem, I see what appear to be entries in the log that support the close request.

    <= <msg data="19|close||a51774713f90db99bb7ebe652561d2c8" />
    -- PROCESS_FLASH_COMMAND origen 19 accion close destino password a51774713f90db99bb7ebe652561d2c8
    Client Disconnection - remove client on error from socket AnyEvent::Handle=HASH(0xe5ac120) (
    Client disconnection, user 4159672901 logged off
    Discarding from status notifications as it is not a permitted possition (19).
    No context defined for AnyEvent::Handle::destroyed=HASH(0xe5ac120) (unauthenticated or connection failed), skip online status notification.

    However, when I check the user's logout, all I see is the close request, but no additional entries after it.

    <msg data="232|close||27b6226a159a2293f8e746543f18464d" />

    I don't know if this indicates an error in the close request or something else.

    Can you think of a reason that the server would continue to send messages to a client after logout? There is a possibility that another user is logged into FOP2 with the same extension.

  2. admin

    11 Feb 2015 Administrator

    What do you see in the javascript console after login out? any activity at all ?

    I mean, you mention that a call enters the queue and the notification sound is fired, do you see any logs in the javascript console at that point? Even if the fop2 display shows a login box?

  3. The console log continues to show messages sent from the server.

  4. admin

    12 Feb 2015 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by admin

    What browser are you using? Any way I can use to try to replicate the issue myself?

  5. I was finally able to replicate this problem consistently. The problem occurs in both Chrome and Firefox (the only two browsers we use).

    To replicate the problem:

    1. log into FOP2
    2. log out
    3. In FreePBX, I updated the permissions of my user, clicked on Submit Changes, and then Apply Configuration Changes.
    4. At this point, the FOP2 server starts sending messages to my logged off client again.

    I have attached the console log that shows this. I added
    =====> Here I am logged out and have the login dialog <=====
    to the log so you can see where I am logged off. There are a couple pings after this, and then a whole slew of messages from the FOP2 server.

  6. I forgot to add that we have made some modifications to fop2.js so there will be some messages you do not recognize.

  7. admin

    12 Feb 2015 Administrator

    What fop2 version are you using? I have just make a quick test with my trunk version, I have no issues with it. Once I log off from fop2, the page itself refreshes and I have the login box again, and there are no events being received in it after doing a fop2 reload, or an asterisk reload.

  8. [root@ASTERISK18 ~]# /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --version
    fop2_server version 2.28

  9. admin

    13 Feb 2015 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by admin

    I cannot reproduce the issue. Maybe your modifications have something to do? When I click close , the web page is actually refreshed. The javascript application is completely reloaded. All variables are reset. Perhaps you are passing the extension via uri parameters?

  10. I reloaded the original 2.28 fop2.js and was able to reproduce the problem, albeit a bit differently.

    This time, open the browser, navigate to the fop2 login page, and enter a correct extension with an invalid password. The client sends the auth request, gets the incorrect return, and redisplays the login dialog.

    uncion init
    VM97:1 sends auth 1234 y ieRMoKueUKgRfm9Q9nK1RoAGzbSAX
    VM97:1 ws send <msg data="1|auth|4159672901|1da254f595f949a51b0aa5232a19a020" />
    VM97:1 0,incorrect=0 en slot
    VM97:1 show sec box
    VM97:1 limpia todo

    At this point, do the update in FreePBX. The fop2 server will start sending messages to the client that never logged in.

  11. admin

    16 Feb 2015 Administrator

    Confirmed the problem... I am working on a fix (to be included in the upcoming 2.29 version).

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