Hangup confirmation: disable it, or alter way menu appears

  1. 14 years ago

    I have tried Opera, Firefox, Internet Exploder and Chrome with this, and they are all the same (on this computer).

    When I click on the Hangup button, the drop-down box that contains the Yes/No confirmation is SSSLLLOOOWW to drop.

    I'd like to either get rid of the confirmation altogether or change the method used to make the dialog show up from complicated-dropdown-fade-in to simple-appear-disappear.

    I was looking at the modalbox.js file. Am I close?


  2. admin

    17 Oct 2010 Administrator

    You are close as that file is the code to the modl boxes including the hangup confirmation, but I am not sure if you will be able to speed it up. It should not be slow either on any "recent" machine. By recent I mean not "that" recent... my desktop has like 3 years and works pretty fast for those dialogs.

    Maybe I can add an option to make the hangup confirmation optional...

    Best regards,

  3. I think I have the opposite problem - the computers I am using are so new that the video cards have all sorts of advanced features -- and the Flash command to draw the dropdown box is probably trying to use every one of them. I'll play around with the graphics settings and see if that can speed things up.

    Meanwhile, the option to disable the hangup confirmation would be a nice feature.

    Keep up the good work!

    Frink Labs

  4. admin

    20 Oct 2010 Administrator

    Just FYI, fop2 does not use flash for its presentation layer. Just HTML. The animations for the modal boxes are javascript/dhtml.

    Best regards,

  5. 12 years ago

    I realize this is an old issue however I have just purchased/installed fop2 for the first time. AWESOME creation and by FAR the best value I have ever seen!

    What was the final decision on disabling the hangup confirmation button? Can someone confirm the modal changes necessary to do so?

    Many thanks for any help!

  6. admin

    7 Sep 2012 Administrator


    You have to edit /var/www/html/fop2/js/presence.js

    There are lots of settings you can tweak there, including disabling hangup confirmations, close page confirmation, turn off sounds, etc.:

    var warnHangup = false;

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