Full wallboard and outbound calls.

  1. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by ernied

    Hi everyone!

    Recently I went through the installation procedure for installing the full Wallboard here: https://www.fop2.com/docs/wallboard_guide.php

    Which also referenced this page: http://www.asternic.net/docs/#OutboundCallTrackingandFreePBX

    After following that very carefully, I was able to see outbound calls in Asternic Call Center Stats, but the count for outbound calls was always zero in the full wallboard.

    After turning on the debugging in the getstatsfromasternic.php script (located in /var/www/html/fop2/admin/plugins/fullwallboard on a standard FreePBX installation), I found that the problem existed in the database where Asternic keeps its settings and statistics. getstatsfromasternic.php looked for the settings for what the outbound call queue was called with the following MySQL call:

     SELECT * FROM setup WHERE keyword='call_flow' OR keyword='sla_answered';
    | id | keyword      | parameter  | value    |
    | 45 | call_flow    | queue_name | outbound |
    | 23 | sla_answered |            | 60       |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    However, for the wallboard to work properly, it requires that both the parameter AND value fields be set to the name you gave your outbound queue. I had to do the following MySQL query to fix the problem:

    UPDATE setup SET parameter='outbound' WHERE keyword='call_flow';

    So far, I haven't noticed any bad side effects to this change, but I remain wary. I'm sure that other people will find this documentation helpful. I'm not sure if there's any way to make this change except by updating the database directly through the MySQL console.

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