Names not updating with freepbx

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi, i installed 2.31.09 version, but when I do reload Asterisk, the panel is not updating names, ou adding new buttos (when i create a new extensions), the plugin fop2 autoconfig manager is enabled, when I do a Reload Fop2 on manager, then it´s updated.
    Any idea?

  2. It is a two-step process.
    "Reload Asterisk" pulls the information from asterisk into FOP2. Once that is completed, "Reload FOP" commits the changes and updates the switchboard.

  3. admin

    4 Sep 2017 Administrator


    The plugin should detect the asterisk reload event and update fop2 internal tables. You should have to verify tables by hand after adding something into asterisk and reloading asterisk, (and before doing a fop2 reload), try running:


    Do you see the changes (new aditions, label changes, etc), in the output ? If not, then the config on reload plugin is not being executed for some reason (perhaps a wrong path is set for the update_db.php script in the plugin config, or permissions are not correct...? perhaps asterisk is not publishing a reload event in AMI).

    Best regards,

  4. In your example above using, where should we go next if the updated information *is* included in the output? In my situation, I've had FOP2 working great for 2 years plus, but now there's a button for which the name doesn't update. Running that script manually as a test, I see the correct information. In the Buttons section of FOP2 Manager I see the correct name and information. But the switchboard shows the old name. I'm not sure where to look next.


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