Chat broadcast problem

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by bazoozoo

    When you send a broadcast message, chat opens a lot of windows, by number of extensions.
    It is very uncomfortable to work.
    How can i fix it???

    If you chat broadcast, it does just that.. it initiates a chat with everyone in the group. As chat is one to one (no conferencing), there is no other way to do it for now.

    you can broadcast a MESSAGE, that won't open a chat, just fire a notification to all members of the group.

  2. I agree. It will be better to open one window for broadcast messages.

  3. admin

    20 Jan 2017 Administrator Answer

    If you chat broadcast, it does just that.. it initiates a chat with everyone in the group. As chat is one to one (no conferencing), there is no other way to do it for now.

    you can broadcast a MESSAGE, that won't open a chat, just fire a notification to all members of the group.

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