asternic cdr

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago


    10 Jan 2017 Administrator Answer


    You can find the spanish .po file in


    and use that as a base to translate. Then post or send the .po file back to me and I can compile it and add it to the base product.

    Best regards,

  3. I sended it to . Compile it and send back to me. I will check translation in context

  4. I have sended finished translation to you. Compile,please

  5. admin

    14 Jan 2017 Administrator

    I think it includes your translation now, please test.
    Best regards,

  6. Edited 7 years ago by AlexRS

    Hi! All perfect, thanks!
    But 'users' still doesn't translated. Check you mail, please.

    PS. I wanted to remove 'Shortcuts' from main page and leaved it empty. But it becomes English. Its difficult to translate it in the context. We didn't use something like that...
    Could you remove it in our lang at all?

  7. Could you add to translate 'users' tab and remove 'shortcats'?

  8. admin

    19 Jan 2017 Administrator

    In /var/www/html/cdrstats/i18n/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES

    you can add into the file asternic_cdr.po

    msgid "Users"
    msgstr "Пользователь"

    and for shortcuts:

    msgid "Shortcuts"
    msgstr " "

    And then compile

    msgfmt asternic_cdr.po -o

    Best regards,

  9. Thank you very much! Why you didn't say me how to compile before?)
    I will compile and send you finished lang file today or tomorrow. After our costomer tests.

  10. Edited 7 years ago by AlexRS

    On 'setup' page words 'keyword', 'parameter' and 'value' are not translated.
    I tryied

    msgid "keyword"
    msgstr ".."
    msgid "parameter"
    msgstr ".."
    msgid "value"
    msgstr ".."

    but it doesn't work=(

    How can I translate it?

  11. admin

    20 Jan 2017 Administrator

    admin-preferences.php file needs to be updated... I will do so and strings will be Keyword, Parameter and Value for your translation files. You can redownload asternic-cdr-1.0.0.tgz and replace only the above file.

  12. admin

    20 Jan 2017 Administrator

    Please do not forget to share your translation for those 3 strings.

  13. Thanks, all perfect, but there is one issue. its 'distribution' -> 'Distribution by User'.
    There is

    User 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .....

    'User' - I cant translate this word. Tryed

    msgid "USER"
    msgid "User"
    msgid "user"

    but nothing chenges...

    PS. there was many changes in lang file since my last post. Lets solve the issue and I will send you finished.

  14. admin

    28 Jan 2017 Administrator

    ok,, fixed it... also you have to add "day" and "weekday" to the .po files. I used google translate to fill them.

  15. google translate translates 'weekday' as a 'working day'. I.e. exclude weekend. We well check all again and I will send you my translataion file. Thanks!

  16. Edited 7 years ago by AlexRS

    When 'Distribution' is choosen and period is more,then one day (week, for example), 'Total' is not translated ('distribution by user' tab). Fix, please.

    But 'Total' is present in lang file and changes is on you side. So I hope I will send to you finished lang file today. After getting review from my customer.

    PS. on tab 'Setup' -> 'Preferences' after changing row (week_mode 0 -> 1, for example) footer with explanation dissapeared. Its not problem for me, but fix if you want.

  17. admin

    31 Jan 2017 Administrator

    thanks, will fix the Total translation in distribution chart.

  18. Edited 7 years ago by AlexRS

    Thank you! Please post when you will fix it.
    I today sended new lang file to you. Check you e-mail

  19. Fix,please

  20. admin

    16 Feb 2017 Administrator

    fixed already and updated the tarball

  21. Thanks!

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