PopUp on Connect

  1. 7 years ago

    I have the Popup working for Agents when they are connected to a call.

    I am trying to figure out why I am not able to see the #{EXTEN} or #{HOLDTIME} variables.

    My Popup URL is


    My Output is for $_GET variables is

        [callerid] => 18885551212
        [callername] => Nurse:Walton      
        [UNIQUEID] => 1479501189.1594
        [QUEUE] => Nurse 302
        [AGENT] => undefined
        [HOLD] => undefined

    Can anyone provide me what Debug level i should use and what to search for so i can see what variables are available to be sent to the POPup


  2. Basically I am trying to see what even block FOP is using to gather the Variables that it sends to the browser.

    I have Found AgentConnect, but I suspect that there are other blocks.


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