There is a commercial module for FreePBX to be used with BRIA softphones that does strange things to the FreePBX configuration tables/databases, and then breaks the FOP2 manager auto configuration as it generates TWO devices for a user, without being in user^device mode.
There is a way to make the FOP2 Manager and FOP2 autoconfiguration scripts works, but requires some tweaks:
- Create a mysql trigger
- Use a customized script
For the MySQL trigger, create a file named trigger.sql with this content:
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS AddNines; DELIMITER $$ CREATE TRIGGER AddNines BEFORE INSERT ON fop2buttons FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF(new.Device like '%/%' AND new.Device not like '%/999%' AND new.type='extension') then set new.`Channel` = REPLACE( new.Device, '/', '/999'); END IF; END; $$ DELIMITER ;
You have to create it in MySQL with this command (you must know the MySQL root password):
mysql -u root -p asterisk < trigger.sql
The trigger will populate the channel field in the fop2buttons table with the extra device that Bria uses.
Then you must alter, look for this query:
mysql -EB -u $DBUSER $DBPASS -h $DBHOST $DBNAME -e \ "SET NAMES utf8; SELECT device AS channel,type,if(type<>'trunk',exten,'') AS extension,\ label, mailbox, context, privacy,\`group\`,IF(type='trunk',IF(email<>'',concat('splitme-',email),''),email) as email, \ channel as extrachannel, $FINAL_FIELDS FROM fop2buttons \ WHERE exclude=0 \ ORDER BY $ORDER" | sed '/\*\*/d' | sed 's/: /=/g' | sed '/.*=$/d' | while read LINEA
and replace it with this one instead:
mysql -EB -u $DBUSER $DBPASS -h $DBHOST $DBNAME -e \ "SET NAMES utf8; SELECT IF(type='extension' AND channel<>'',channel,device) AS channel,type,if(type<>'trunk',exten,'') AS extension,\ label, mailbox, context, privacy,\`group\`,IF(type='trunk',IF(email<>'',concat('splitme-',email),''),email) as email, \ IF(type='extension' AND channel<>'',device,channel) as extrachannel, $FINAL_FIELDS FROM fop2buttons \ WHERE exclude=0 \ ORDER BY $ORDER" | sed '/\*\*/d' | sed 's/: /=/g' | sed '/.*=$/d' | while read LINEA
Finally log into the FOP2 Manager and select the Buttons tab, and then restart the FOP2 service.