permission for editing 'phonebook'

  1. 15 years ago

    Currently, there is only a global address book, which is editable by anyone. It would be difficult to manage the address book, and lacks the credibility. The Edit option should only be allowed by admin user / needs to be password protected.

    Also, any way to import the address book from outlook export (may be from CSV). It would be useful for larger organization during migration.

  2. I suggested this a while back(import CSV) so I'm not sure if Nicolas is intending to add this in a later version, my suggestion also included a "Import Field Map" so you don't have to change the CVS headers before Importing

    firstname -> first_name
    lastname -> second_name
    phone1 -> home_phone
    phone2 -> mobile_number

    etc etc

  3. admin

    9 Jul 2009 Administrator

    I am considering every feature request. I will be adding them in future releases. Import is not that difficult to add, but adding field maps, or 2 stage importing for verifying data is more complicated.

    If you are seasoned administering mysql, it should not be at all difficult to use phpmyadmin or straight mysql to import data.

    I though about partitioning the phonebook for every context, adding permissions, and so on. The problem is that if I tried to implement every feature I imagine, then the software would be never released and always evolving.

    FOP2 did not have a phonebook until one week prior to release. I wrote a script to use elastix phonebook on the dialbox, but it was very limiting.. and the picture was a nice touch too.

    Right now I will have to evaluate if I will be implementing new features to the phonebook or making it compatible with php4, as it seems there are several "old" boxes out there.

    Best regards,

  4. I'll have a look once I complete my Cisco XML Services, been a while since I've touched php and MySQL, I'm a ASP.NET and MS SQL guy :lol:

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