fop2 crashes from time to time 'fop2_server dead but subsy..

  1. 14 years ago

    I use fop2 with elastix 1.5 32 bits (asterisk 1.4.21). From time to time users report that they are not able to log in.
    Demon status reports: "fop2_server dead but subsys locked".
    I do not use autoconfiguration and I have 10 different context in fop2 configuration file.

    Where can I find any error log or fop2 server?
    What could be a reason for this?

  2. admin

    7 Jan 2010 Administrator


    You will need to run fop2_server not from the startup script but directly in the linux console, or better under a gnu screen session. That way, if the service crashes, you can reattach to the gnu screen console and take not of the error. The beta version fixes a number of crashes that might happen under certain conditions, you might also want to try with the beta directly. Best regards,

  3. Thank you for your answer
    1. Where can I get Beta version or any upgrade for fop2?

    2. Is it possible to run fop2 server form daemontools using svscan program?
    I have daemontools ( ) installed and I try to use svscan to start fop2 server. I have created "run" file which look like this:
    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -d

    When svscan starts process I have 1 fop2 daemon running permanently and the second restarted every 2 seconds

    Do I need some extra options to start fop2 using svscan?

  4. admin

    1 Feb 2010 Administrator for centos 32 bits.

    Regarding svcscan, you do not have to pass the -d flag to fop2_server as daemontools requires the program to stay in the foreground. So, try removing the -d option and see if it works for you.

    Best regards,

  5. Thats it!
    Thanks Nicolás.

    One more questions - how to recover license after upgrading software?
    Do I need copy .lic file from the backup only?

  6. admin

    2 Feb 2010 Administrator

    Yes, just copy the .lic file over.

  7. I am having similar issues. Random crashing. When I login it attempts to authenticate my session 10 times until the screen states 'Could not connect to Server'. Is there a beta version I can try (RPM).

    I used this RPM to initially install: fop2-2-1.i686.rpm


  8. admin

    4 Mar 2010 Administrator

    Just download the beta as pointed in the previous post and update your version. It will fix some crash situations and add a ton of new features too. Best regards,

  9. Ah, yes. That was my first thought, but the link above is invalid. I then tried this link (fixing the typo in downloads) and it worked:


  10. 10 years ago

    Hello! Il am use the last version 2.28 on CentOS x86. Here is my log:

    Flash Operator Panel 2 - License file fop2.lic not found.
    Running in Demo Mode
    Connection to manager OK!
    [root@Virt-2 fop2]#
    [root@Virt-2 fop2]#
    [root@Virt-2 fop2]# /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server status
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - License file fop2.lic not found.
    bind: Address already in use at script/ line 11144.
    [root@Virt-2 fop2]# /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server start
    Flash Operator Panel 2 - License file fop2.lic not found.
    bind: Address already in use at script/ line 11144.
    [root@Virt-2 fop2]# service fop2 start
    Starting Flash Operator Panel 2: [ OK ]
    [root@Virt-2 fop2]#
    [root@Virt-2 fop2]#
    [root@Virt-2 fop2]# service fop2 status
    fop2_server dead but subsys locked

  11. I dont know what is error fop2_server dead but subsys locked ?

  12. Edited 10 years ago by admin

    I am write theese option in /etc/sysconfig/fop2
    OPTIONS="-d -X 511 -l /var/log/fop2"
    and see next errors after command serice fop2 restart:

    Flash Operator Panel 2 - License file fop2.lic not found.
    ** COLLECT INCLUDES fop2.cfg , tipo server
    ** EXEC: archivo temporal de server: NEWFOPiknbF5
    ** READ SERVER CONFIG - archivo fop2.cfg
    ** READ SERVER CONFIG - archivo NEWFOPiknbF5
    ** READ SERVER calling COLLECT INCLUDES archivo autobuttons.cfg context GENERAL!buttons
    ** COLLECT INCLUDES autobuttons.cfg , tipo GENERAL!buttons
    ** EXEC: archivo temporal de botones: NEWFOPHhIeHx
    ** READ SERVER remove temp file server /usr/local/fop2/NEWFOPiknbF5
    ** VOICEMAIL PATH /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail
    ** READ SERVER calling collect_includes autobuttons.cfg
    ** COLLECT INCLUDES autobuttons.cfg , tipo GENERAL!buttons
    ** autobuttons.cfg already included
    ** READ SERVER calling collect_includes NEWFOPHhIeHx
    ** NEWFOPHhIeHx already included
    ** READ BUTTONS CONFIG autobuttons.cfg para contexto GENERAL
    Removing temporary config file from #exec /usr/local/fop2/NEWFOPHhIeHx
    bind: Address already in use at script/ line 11144.
    ++ EXTENSION OBJECT DESTROYED FOP2::Extension=HASH(0x9a9c0e4)

    Help me please, dear collegues!

  13. admin

    24 Aug 2014 Administrator


    Your log file shows that the port TCP/4445 is already used, so FOP2 cannot start. That port might be used either by FOP2 itself or by the old FOP(1). In the first case, there is actually NO problem, you cannot start FOP2 twice. If the later, then you must disable/stop FOP(1). To check who is binding to port tcp 4445 run this command:

    netstat -lnp | grep 444

    What is the output? Do you see "perl" as the process name for the matched line? If so, that is the old FOP(1) and you must stop it and disable it as described in the documentation.

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