No eth0, only eth1.

  1. 15 years ago


    Trying to register here but getting the following as there is no eth0, only eth1:

    [root@localhost fop2]# ./fop2_server --register
    eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
    Can't get info from ifconfig:  at script/ line 3699
  2. admin

    30 Sep 2009 Administrator

    The next release includes the " -i " command line option to specify the interface.

  3. 12 years ago


    I registered with the i command:

    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --register -1 eth1

    but i am still getting the error when I put in the command:

    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test

    eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found
    Can't get info from ifconfig: at script/ line 6631.

    and unable to connect to http://<ip address>/fop2/fop2.html

    attempt 1, attempt 2 and so on. Was working fine on the demo, stopped working after registration for a whitelabel license.

    Using Elastix 2.2, please help.

  4. admin

    1 Feb 2012 Administrator

    You must ALWAYS pass the -i eth1 parameter when you invoke fop2_server

    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -i eth1 --test

    You must edit the OPTIONS line for the init script and add the -i parameter to, for fop 2.24, edit /etc/sysconfig/fop2 and to the OPTIONS="" line add -i eth1.

    Finally, be sure fop2 starts and keeps running

    service fop2 restart
    (wait 10 seconds)
    pgrep fop2
    (it should return the pid number)

    Best regards,

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