What port/s does the web client need?

  1. 15 years ago

    I ask so that I can use this securely via the Internet. I don't want it opened to the public.

    I know port 80, or port 443 for web, but the client to server, Is it restricted to port 4445, or are there others.

    Also, I would prefer to be able to tunnel the traffic with ssh. II would use ssh and map ports

    80 or 443 (without/with SSL)

    from my local machine thru ssh to the asterisk server..

    any reason this approach would not work?

  2. admin

    1 Jul 2009 Administrator


    The default port for fop protocol is 4445. You can use ssh tunneling, no problem at all, but you will have to tunnel both port 80 and 4445, and then connect with your browser to http://localhost/fop2 because flash does not like cross site connections.

    I do it all the time... connect via ssh to some remote server, redirecting web ports and 4445 port and connect to the panel using localhost in the browser url.

    Best regards,


  3. Ok thanks for the info.

    I thought it would work, and I do the same thing today with the original FOP. My preference is to connect to port 80 thru ssh as well, as opposed to ssl. This way, I only open port 22 and tunnel/encrypt everything thru that port and the PBX interface is not directly exposed to the Internet.

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